Chapter 21: Say goodbye

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I saw how everyone was looking at my baby, I haven't even seen him, but for some reason everyone had like a shocked or confused look stamped onto their faces. I looked up at Dana who looked as confused as I was neither one of us could see what my baby looked like since everyone was surrounding him, but then, Dana made eye contact with his mom, so I faced her too and her eyes widened at the look of my baby. "Mom are you okay?" Dana asked. But all that left Joni's mouth was "Dana?" What the hell did that mean? "What's going on? why is everyone looking at my child like that? does he look weird or something or-" before I could say anything else the baby was passed to me and my eyes widened in shock too and I just stared at him in complete and utter shock!

He had tanned skin, had my nose, my lips but had... dazziling hazel brown eyes like the person I know and most a of all light brown curly hair. I don't have curly hair, Lucas doesn't even have brown hair he is blonde. Which only meant one thing...

"That is no doubt in fact Dana's child" Cole pointed out and sort of jumped in his spot a little. Dana stood as still as a rock, probably processing everything that was happening. "The father is surley Dana's, I'm pretty sure those curls only belong to one person and look at those eyes." Joni said. "I am so confused" Big Dana said and then had to balance himself by leaning onto the bed. "This is awesome! You were never pregnant with Lucas, you were already pregnant with Dana's! I mean how could you not, you two do it like 4 times a week!" Alex said excitedly but kind of started to grow quiet as my parents started to give me looks. "But-but how we always use protection?" I questioned. "Not that night on your birthday" Dana suddenly said, I quickly looked up at him. "Well its good to see that you are still alive Dana" I said referring to him being absolutely gobsmacked.


NO MOTHERFUCKING WAY! is what I was screaming on the inside. This is so freaking awesome! The baby is my kid oh my goodness. I might have seemed as still as a rock but inside I was throwing a frickin party. I'm a daddy. Yeah i'm a daddy.

"Can I have him?" I asked Jordyn, she gave me a wide smile and handed me my boy. "Hey there baby Dre" I said in a baby voice while putting my nose against his small one. His soft nose brushed mine, he was as soft as fluff and light as a feather and more importantly he is such a good looking dude, well after me. Nah i'm joking with me and Jordyn's looks and personalities combined together into this one human being, he will certainly be the perfect child for us. This is the first time I have a held a baby before, i'm the only child meaning that I have never actually held someone as little as this. He looked gorgeous, it can't believe I made this life. Me and Jordyn. This has got to be the happiest day of my life.

"Bro are you crying?" Gabe asked. "Nope" I said trying to hold my ground, but he came up to me and put his arm around me, "No need to hide it man, I did the same thing"

I looked at Jordyn who looked like her life was sucked out of her, she looked ill. Almost like a vampire. "Babe are you okay?" I asked her, while brushing her hair back with my fingers. "So we sticking with Andre Jadan Vaughns then?" she asked smiling a little and I nodded at her while giving her the biggest smile on my face, but it also upset me that she looked like this, weak. Her eyes were falling shut. "Please tell me you are just going to sleep right?" I said sort of worried. What? I have heard alot of stories that sometimes when women give birth they end up getting really ill and eventually depart from this world. She smiled at me. "That's right baby, i'm exhausted the little guy really was a challenge" I brought my lips to her forehead and kissed her gently, while she took Andre and kissed him on the cheek. "You're staying with Daddy okay? Mommy's just gonna rest"

Those words coming out of her mouth really did warm my heart. The fact that me and Jordyn were now going to be parents? Damn! i'm so effing happy!


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