Chapter 12: The Game

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"hey guys!" I greeted them and they all turned my direction and smiled back at me, all except Dana. "So guys, I hope you don't mind, but I bought Lucas along with me today, I mean we haven't hung out lately and he has no plans" I said putting my bag down and then giving Sabrina a small wave. 

"Why don't he go and make some plans, just not here" Dana mumbled to himself, thinking that no one heard, but I heard and gave him the evils. "Hey baby" he said pulling me into his side and kissing me on the head" I just gave him a smile. Now he is trying to act like the cute, lovey dovey boyfriend he shouldve been acting like before. Lucas greeted the girls with a hand shake while he gave the guys a bro hug. But when he got to Dana they just both looked at each other, trying to hide the fact that they wanted to kill each other. But hey, if Dana gets to bring a friend, then so can I. 

"Dana" Lucas started, 

"Lucas" Dana did the same narrowing his eyes at him. 

Lucas stepped closer to Dana with his arms crossed over his chest. "Dana"

Dana puffed his chest and stepped closer to him too. "Lucas" he spat.


"Okay can you guys stop this! I feel like these are one of those weird teenager shows where the two guys that don't like each other say their names in disgust? Well we're not in one of those, so can you two like not?" I demanded. Dana pulled me to the side where the group were no where near hearing distance. As I was being dragged away by Dana, they all just stared at us, wanting to know what's going on. 

"Why did you bring that tool here? Especially without my permission? You know me and him do not get along." He said. "Well why did you bring Sabrina here, and for you infromation, I do not need to ask you permission for everything!" I snapped back. "I told you that I invited Sabrina to this event ages ago, and you agreed" 

"I didn't agree to anything, in fact I didn't even say anything" 

"I thought you two put the past between you? so why are you acting like this?" he asked clueless of what he has been doing for the past week. 

"Woah and your acting like you don't have a clue. I'm not pissed off at the fact that me and Sabrina had a bad past, i'm over it seriously, I am just pissed off at the fact that she has suddenly returned into our lives and she has taken you from me. You have been spending so much time with her instead of me. The things that I wanted to do with you, sadly you have already done with her! Now I know that you were hurt at the fact that I ditched you for Lucas before, but I didn't actually think that you would want revenge on me" I crossed my arms together and looked away while Dana sighed. 

"And who bought Sabrina back into our lives? I think you-"

"I just wanted to settle down, I didn't think that this would happen" I said still not looking at him.

"I didn't know you would become this jealous of a simple thing like this. And why does everyone think that I am taking my revenge on you, I am not doing that. You are just over acting, but don't worry J, she is only a friend, you have no need to worry. You also didn't need to bring your man hoe here." he rolled his eyes. 

"Dana stop that! Same with him, he is only a friend so there is no need to worry" we both nodded at each other and went back to our friends with has hand placed around my waist, keeping me close to him. 

But that statement obviously didn't last. 

After a couple of hours at the beach, Dana seperated with me to go and chill with Sabrina so I stayed in my spot with Lucas. Cole just kept glancing at both me and Dana, knowing that something was up. He then motioned for me to take a walk with him. "Guys me and Jordyn are just gonna grab some ice cream okay?" he announced to the rest of the group, and they all just nodded. 

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