Chapter 7: Back to the Past

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"So the good news is that Gabe and Alex have seemed to lighten up about her" I said to Will through the phone. "And how about Dana?" he asked, I sighed. 

"Yeah Dana, not so much, they are still not talking, I mean the arguements between them at the apartment have calmed down already, which thank the lord happened, but they are still aren't talking and Dana is still sleeping in my room snoring his ass off, so I end up sleeping in the living room"

I heard him laughing on the other end. "Oh god, poor you."

"You are so lucky that you are not here to experience everything, if you thought that our high school years were filled with drama, well you are wrong, because there is more drama, now more then ever, man Will I wish you were here right now" I said sadly and I think Gabe could feel it to since he came and patted my shoulder comforting me. "I know same man, but i've got to go, its like 2 in the morning here and this call costs money and i'm poor" he said and I laughed "What'd you spend it on? food?" I asked. 

"Maybe..." he replied "Anyway have a good day man, say goodbye to the rest for me" 

"Bye" I said. 

"Bye Will!" Gabe shouted. 

I hung up. Me and Gabe were just sat outside of the girls dressing room, since Alex was trying on a dress and Jordyn was somewhere around the store I don't know. "Come on DanDan, mommy will be out in a few minutes okay" Gabe said trying to calm Dani down as he is crying. "You know its been a week, i'm starting to make you and Alex my new OTP" I said playing with my phone, "yeah i'm pretty bumbed too, and wow seriously Galexy is now your OTP, thanks man, that means alot" he said patting my back. 

"Okay so how does this look?" Alex said coming out of the dressing room in a purple dress, one with a sleeve and the other without. "yeah you look great mami" Gabe said with a smile, although he tried to hide the fact that he did not care and all he wanted to do was sleep. "Gabe you have been saying that for the past 20 dresses" she whined. "because all of the past 20 dresses looked beautiful on you, you could be given a cardboard box to wear at this party and you would look good in it. Who you trying to impress anyway, you've already got me" Gabe said "Obviously i'm not trying to impress anyone, but I just want to look perfect okay, its Jordyn's 21st birthday and I want everything perfect." she replied. 

We then heard screaming coming from the far side of the mall. "Move bitch! get out the way!" the oh so familiar voice of Jordyn rang through the entire shop. "Oh crap" we all said and ran to where the noise was. And as I predicted there was Jordyn fighting with another lady over a hand bag. 

"I saw it first!"

"No I did" the lady shouted. 

"Well it looks better on me!" Jordyn said back. 

"sure..." the lady said sarcastically "this bag would look better on a cactus then on you" Jordyn gasped "how dare you! Do you know who i am? I am-"

"The whore on every bill board that is always practically naked? yeah i know you" the lady said sassily, me and Alex's hands reached our mouths in shock, as Jordyn and the Lady literally started to beat the crap out of each other in the store over a frickin bag!

"How dare you! At least my face doesn't look like a cow shit on it!"

"Hold my baby" Gabe said to Alex before diving in with the fight trying to break them up. I don't know why, I should be helping Gabe, but i stood there just staring, I found it amusing.

"Let go of my hair!" so you might think that was one of the girls shouting that, well no it was Gabe. "Call Dana now!" Alex demanded and I did what she said. 

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