Knocking at a slightly open door, she said, "Here it is, your majesty."

The three desks that mostly occupied space in the room were the most prominent to notice. Two on one side and one on the opposite side of them. The pile of paper showed whose working space they were in. The one in the corner has the biggest pile but is very organized, clearly Miss Felix's. The two opposites of them were messy. So the one with more paper is Alpha West and the last one was the Would-be-alpha West.

"Welcome, your grace." Alpha West looked the part of Alpha that much I could say. But the fact that time has not been good to him was clear as day.

I nodded at him. And took the seat he was pulling for me.

"I will leave you two to talk." That was what Felix said and then left me and her father alone.
As the door closed Alpha West settled in a chair in front of me.

"I am going to be honest, Your Majesty. I wasn't accepting a visit from you. So I am at a loss as to what the objective of your visit is. Is there any trouble?"

"Your daughter is my mate, the future queen, Alpha West. I think this visit was due for a while now." Either Felix didn't tell him about the request or he was confused as to why I am here, instead of summoning him to the castle, I couldn't guess. But I didn't mention it.

"She is already confirmed as a ruler? I thought there were some quests she has to go through." His tone didn't hold resentment towards the challenges.

"She is my chosen, Alpha West. No matter who she was, she would have been crowned as queen. The challenges are to test her abilities, see how much she needs to learn and what all powers and responsibilities can she be trusted with." It's true I was never going to deny her as a queen. I would be a fool to do that. But just up and giving her the powers is a dishonour to the throne.

"Your answer gave me peace, your majesty. If it's just that my Felix will excel." The relief in his voice was clear. But for some reason that ticked me off.

"I won't be so sure Alpha West. The throne and its expectation are not so easy to fulfil. Many a queen have tried and failed."

"I apologise your majesty I suppose I didn't word it appropriately. Disrespecting the throne was not my intention. It's just that, I know what my child is capable of, and even though I have no clue what troubles the throne will bring her, I have faith in her that she will always find a way."

Before I could formulate a reply, Alpha West continued. "Also, even though it's crossing my line as a loyal subject. The father in me won't let that slide. So I would request you not to repeat your words from earlier in front of my daughter. It almost sounded as if you wished she would fail just to prove your point. Now we should stop talking about this stuff since my children are approaching."

Guilt. Disbelief. Shame. Surprise.

 I felt all those emotions at that moment. But my pride as a Ruler is shallow some days and won't let me address any of them. So I just nodded and instead asked something else.
"How did you know they were coming?"

With a look of fondness on his face, Alpha West replied, "I may not have senses as developed as yours, my king. But they are my kids. I will always recognise them faster than anyone."

Soon we heard a knock on the door, and after a short 'come in' from Alpha West, the two almost identical fragrances enter.

Flynn West looked like a more male version of his sister. As soon as I saw his face I understood, why Felix was reluctant at leaving her pack. He was a very odd mix of mischievousness and naive. Two words I never thought I would use in a single sentence to describe someone.

He gave me an over-excited bow and quite loud Good afternoon. After which he shifted behind his sister and all the while grinning.

"Hello, Mr West how are you?" I couldn't help but ask. I kind of like this kid.

"Thanks for asking your highness. A bit sad since my happy-happy is leaving but since you are so cool, I don't mind her going that much."

The kid called me, the king, cool. Well, I got to take the first compliment from the Wests.
I noticed how Felix elbowed him a little, with a face that says You-were-not-supposed-to-say-that but the young Alpha didn't seem to care.

The kid annoys Miss West, and for that, I like him more now.

"Your majesty I am done with loading my stuff. We can leave as soon as you wish." Felix's voice made me turn my attention to her.

The young Alpha's cheerfulness went down a few notches. But the other West family members didn't show much of a reaction.

"That's pretty fast Miss West. I am also done talking to Alpha West so I suppose we can leave."
She nodded at me. Miss Felix gave both her father and brother a hug and pat on the shoulder. The latter a longer one than the former.

As I was following Felix out of the office. The young kid partially blocked my path.
" Felix you go and get settled, I have something to talk to his majesty."

Felix narrowed her eyes as her brother and then gave me a nod and left. As soon as the door shut close, Flynn took out an envelope from his pocket and handed it to me.

"Open this when you cross the pack border, Sir. And please take care of my sister."

"As you say, Young Alpha."

With that, I left the father-son duo and moved back to my car. I saw Miss West sitting in her jeep. I wanted to ask why she is taking her Jeep back. But the guilt from the conversation I had with her father was still fresh. So I just quietly sat in my car and asked the driver to leave.

The only thing keeping me from getting my laptop out again was the letter from my favourite West. As soon as we crossed the north pack border, I tore open the envelope and started reading the letter inside.

Hello Alpha King,

I have heard from Huxx that my sister is behaving quite rigidly and strictly professionally around you. If you ever want to ruffle her feathers, these are the list of things she finds annoying to no extent. Hope you use them well.

future brother-in-law
Flynn West

PS:- Keep her safe. She often doesn't care about herself much.

List of annoying things. I knew there was a reason I liked this kid.


So what do you feel about Flynn West? Honestly, I love him the most so far.

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