Robin still looks like an traffic light

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Marinette was feeling lucky today, in the museum she met the man who helped her when she was running late and he could speak french! Although now that she thought of it she should have studied harder. 

When Mme Bustier called her she felt a small pang in her chest as she went to her class, although the happy moment she had with mystery man named Darian? Dylan? was nice it was soon squashed by Lila's annoying voice which went through her ears and out the other. I'm going to have a head ache later she thought, as she turned to look at Lila.

"Marinette, you shouldn't hang out with men older then you. What do you think that does to the school name if people start thinking your'e a-" she came close to Marinette then she whispered, "whore."

Marinette gasped her eyes going dark as she glared at Lila. "How dare you say such things about people you don't know. Also you clung to Adrien so much he felt the need to transfer, you're the one who's begging for attention." 

Lila's glared at Marinette, "you better watch your mouth Mari-trash." She then swung around, flipping her hair obnoxiously she stalked off. Marinette rolled her eyes as she walked over to Chloe, "sorry, a little distraction kept me from coming here earlier."

"Want me to kill her? I could." She said, eyes glowing. "Chlo no. Don't kill her." Marinette said, shaking her head"Please Marigold. I really, really want to."

"No, and that's final." Marinnete sighed a little at her friends antics as she walked towards the rest of the class. 


She was in her room talking to Tikki when she heard a noise outside her window, turning around she saw a swish of red, green and yellow, soon realizing that  it was Gotham's hero. What's he doing here? She thought as she went to open her window, peering out she saw Robin crouching at the balcony below her. 

Maybe Lila wasn't actually lying when she said that she was friends with the batfam, looking down at her balcony she realized that Robin was already gone. Looking around to see where he might have gone to she realized that a pair of eyes where boring into her back. Turning around she saw Robin on the floor of her bleeding out and staining the cream carpet.

"Help." Was all he said before he passed out.

OK really short chapter and I'm not proud of that but CLIFFHANGER MWA HA HA. BTW thank you so much for your support, it's already 6th place in Lila salt! Mentally teleporting my squee to you. It has around 2K views and 110 likes! I cannot believe that I could actually get this much support. Also my updates will be coming slower than before because school work but I hope you'll stick around!


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