chapter 11

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A/n- after establishing the opposite group that you will most likely be stabbing it's time it's time for Tatsumi to get kidnapped by crazy rapey ice bitch



Azazel pov

Azazel was currently torturing someone by slowly cutting the inner arm causing in the screaming

Prisoner-" blood curdling scream "

Azazel- what are you screaming for... the pain hasn't even started yet

Rin- sir you are request in the in the dining hall

Azazel- finally

Azazel proceeded to silence the guy by slicing his throat

Azazel- sea food sound
Pretty good right now

Y/N pov

You and tatsumi were walking in the capital to meet Lubbock until you saw a your new wanted poster

A/n- imagine a shadowy figure with Hollow eyes a devilish smile and tears running down its face

Y/N-( that looks nothing like )

Lubbock- yo

Tatsumi- key

Lubbock- come on in

You entered the bookstore and Lubbock pushed some books in and revealed a some stair case

Tatsumi- wow this really is a secret base

Lubbock- yep it's my pride and joy

Tatsumi- it's nor lik-

Leone- hello welcome to our imperial secret base!

Tatsumi- your not being very secretive!

Y/N- and your being quite loud

Lubbock- well the imperial guards put up wanted posters all over the city, there still a few who can still be seen in public

Leone- y/n's poster looks super cool

Tatsumi- by the way how haven't you been seen yet

You pause for a minute thinking very hard about how you still managed not to be seen even though killing many people

Y/N- " shrugs " I donno

Tatsumi- what do mean you don't know!?


As you were walking through the city unbeknownst to you two guards noticed you

Guard- it the sorrow killer

Guard2- I'll get reinforcements

The guard goes to run the But id stopped by two figures dressed in black wearing mask

???- how about no

The two drawed their blades and rushed them as a scene went back to black

Flashback ends

Y/N- donno, there only a few people who know what I look like that are not you guy

Lubbock- those are?

Y/N- only one is important esdeath she a pretty big deal

Lubbock- you don't want to mess with her

Tatsumi- is this esdeath chick really really all that dangerous

A/n- I was gonna add the story of esdeath but I think I would be much more fun to tell the story of you meet her for the first time

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