prologue part 2

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A/n- long-ass timeskip to you in your mid teens

Azazel- we were told that there is a rebel spy in the capital, here are the names of the suspects, deal with them

" you nod and leave "

House in the capital targets pov

Guard- all the guards in the front have been killed

Target- how there were 20 well armed guards out in the front of the estate, wait how did you survive if all of them are dead

" takes of helmet to show the capital assassin "

Y/N pov

Target- you I've heard of you

Y/N- and I'll be the last thing you'll ever see

Target- no please I'll do anything, I'll leave the capital, I'll change my name , the emperor will never hear from me again, please

Y/N- you can die

"  he gets ready to swing his sword but he's stop by someone in a mask    attacking him"

Y/N- who are you?

???- your end!

" she swings at you with a formiliar sword "

Y/N- that sword, that's the kamaitachi that belonged to a friend of mine how'd you get it?

???- wouldn't you like to know!

" you feel your anger spike and rush her, tries to strict you but you use you  Scabbard to block it by sheathing the teigu and you land a fatal slash "

Y/N-  looks likes Vice versa I was your end

???- just like I taught you

Y/N- what?

" the mask she was wearing shatters to reveal the only nice person in your life "

Y/N- nano?

Nano- surprise

Y/N- it was you, your the spy?

Nano- I was hoping you didn't have find out

Y/N-" sniffing" why

Nano- why does anyone do anything? because they feel that it's the right thing to do

Y/N- I don't understand

Nano- poor boy, raised to be killer but you don't know who you are killing, who do think you are killing?

Y/N- redels and traitors

Nano- no, mostly likely the only redel you killed is me the supposed rebels and traitors you killed where innocent people who the prime minister thought would get in the way of his plan

" that one word Innocent  brings you to your knees"

Y/N- I'm a monster

Nano- no, just miss lead, your still young you can right those wrongs , join the revolutionary army and help them finally bring peace to the capital

Y/N- yes ma'am

Nano- I wish I could have die seeing that peace" gives you the scabbard to kamaitachi " but I'm glad too die for the case

Y/N- thank you, I promise I'll make the capital a better place

Nano- I'll hold you to that , maybe the next time we meet I'll be a bird  Soaring through the sky" lifting her hand to the sealing " free " her hand drops as she closes her eyes peacefully "

Y/N- maybe, see you then" looks at target " don't show your face in the capital again

Target- yes " runs out of the house "

Timeskip y/n pov

" walking in the main hall of the castle you see Azazel "

Azazel- mission complete?

Y/N- I'm leaving

Azazel- what!

Y/N- you heard me right " throwing his sword to azazel's feet "

Y/N- I won't kill for that twisted fat bastard anymore

Azazel- what would nano thin-

Y/N- she was the spy , I killed here , I'm done" walks away "

Azazel- is that your final statement ?

Y/N- yes

Azazel- then it's treason then

A/n- I would put a palpatine spinning meme, but I'm way to scared of Disney to do so

A/n- sooooo, no

"the two of you clash but azazel gets the upper hand with his overwhelming attacks "

Y/N-( there's no way I can beat him like this,I have to find an opening)

Azazel- what's wrong, can't attack ?

Y/N-( there)

" you stab him it misses the vital point "

Azazel-  it's true, the kamaitachi is the painless death!

" he says as you run pass him"

Outside y/n pov

" you make it out side but you are confronted by orge"

Orge- stop right there Traitor

" you stop to see orge and two soliders with bows"

Y/N- walk away I don't want to kill you

" an arrow scratches your face"

Y/N- I see, then you leave me no choice

" you run at the bowman and knock him out with a kick and land on the second one knocking out"

Orge- don't forget about me!

" orge swings at you but you dodge grabbing an arrow and shoving it in his eye"

A/n- p.s this will be the only time I'll write and eye stabbing, It seems very painful

Orge- aaaaaaaaaah

"  he shouts in pain but before he can attack again you are gone"

Outside the capital y/n pov

Y/N- I seem safe for know

"Walking the empty streets "

Y/N- don't worry nano as soon as I get stronger I'll join the revolution and bring peace to the capital"says looking at the castle "

A/n- that's the end of the prologue next chapter will be the start of your journey for peace in the capital but we will cross that bridge when we get there, see in the next chapter

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