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A/n: it's time, you guys might want to sit down for this one, maybe get some snacks I'll wait...



After that eventful night, y/n got up and dressed himself leavening Akame to rest, but as she walked out he was met with Leone

Leone: how was it?

Y/n: how was what?

Leone: don't play dumb, you know what we're talking about.

Y/n: I honestly don't-

Leone pulled off y/n's shirt revealing the evidence

Leone: so?

Y/n closed his shirt and walked away

Y/n: maybe I'll tell over a drink, after all, I am indebted to you...

Leone: for what?

Y/n: helping me find my purpose...

Y/n walked back to his room to gear up. But before he left he looked at the blue mask hanging on the wall

Y/n: you deserve to see this through as well...

Y/n put the mask on and left his room

**** timeskip brought to you by chibi leone following y/n pestering him on what happened ****

As the revolutionary army made their move on the capital the perfect distraction the rest of the night raid followed Rin and Kai through the castle taking the fastest routes

Leone: there are hardly any guards here just as you said!

Rin: I wouldn't have risked it this far just to back out betray you now!

They entered a room full of heavily armed guards

Guard: Night Raid!

Akame: don't wanna kill any more than I have to, get out or get ready to die...

Guard: we will not retreat!

Akame: then you have made your choice...

???: non of you can cut it against Night Raid please fall back now!

And blonde Male walked behind the guards

Rin: Run...

Run: oh there you 2 are I was wondering where went off to.

Kai: it doesn't have to end like this.

Run: leave now, you'll just be throwing your lives away.

Guard: huh?

Run: you wouldn't help me, as a matter of fact, you'll just be in the way.

Wings appeared on Runs back as fell in the air launching feathers traffic towards them

Run: you were right you know, the empire has become rotten to its core, the current regime is on the verge of collapse.

Tatsumi: if you know that then why get in our way?

Run: because your methods of revolt are too much bloodshed!

Leone: are you saying you no different!?

Run: well, you see I was once a teacher.

Leone: how did a teacher wind up with the Yeagers!?

Run: not too long ago a group of bandits kidnapped students and murdered them, but the good didn't see it as a crime in any way, now the village I came from was poor so the bureaucrats no reason in getting involved.

  A Simple Bedtime story(akame ga kill X male reader )Where stories live. Discover now