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"Hi, Mrs. Yoo" InHye walked in, a little soullessly after what had happened at school.

"Oh, dear! You didn't need to come today, I was gonna give you a one week break" Mrs. Yoo quickly put down the water can, rushing over to the girl.

"But you don't have anyone to help you, it's fine" InHye tried to move to get her apron, but the elder made her stop.

"No, InHye-ah, I have a new worker" As soon as she said that, a boy, someone around InHye's age, walked out from the back. Only just noticing InHye. "This is Hangyeol"

The boy bowed politely and then continued his work.

"Oh, but Mrs. Yoo I would still like to help-"

"No InHye" Mrs. Yoo demanded, going back to water the plants. "You aren't allowed to work in my shop for a week, it's resting time for you"


"No buts, dear. I will see you in a week"

InHye didn't want to fight back, she couldn't. Eventually, she gave up and left the store, dragging her heavy feet back home.


"Chenle-yah, come tend your older cousin" Jeno unlocked the door with his house key and pushed the door open with his foot, helping Renjun in.

"Why what happened?" Chenle was focused on his games with Jisung, not looking over.

"He's heartbroken"

"Ok... I can't wrap up his heart and call it a day" Chenle's fingers were moving fast of the controller, biting his lip to hope he could win.

"And he started punching his wall and cutting himself with roses" Jeno pressed his lips together and guided Renjun to the couch the two younger ones were sitting on.

"Holy shit- Why?" Chenle immediately cropped his controller and sat next to his Gege.

"As I said, he's heartbroken. So he punched his wall and ripped all the paintings. You might need to get your wall fixed"

"Well, then I don't know why you brought him here. You could've called me. I have more medical stuff at home" Chenle assisted Renjun, bringing him to the door and slipping on his shoes. "Bye Jisung"

Jisung waved bye, stretching and getting up to go get food right after Chenle had left.


"Good afternoon sweetie" YeoJung smiled, she was preparing dinner at the moment.

"You're home?" She spoke monotonously, dropping her heavy bag on the couch and taking out her books to finish the work Mr. Ahn had assigned two days ago.

"Yeah, dad went into work to replace the both of us. I'm here to take care of you"

"Oh... I'll just be in my room then" InHye tan upstairs, beginning to finish her work.

Then, she looked up, seeing the bright red rose in front of her. The one that he gave her. Her emotions caught up to her as InHye held the rose is the plastic bottle.

"I was doing it to save myself, people dying is my fear..." She shivered, the gruesome memory of BaekHo's dead body getting stabbed had just replayed in her memory. Although BaekHo has tortured her, the blood, his pale body, and Renjun and Jaemin both stabbing him— Renjun stabbing him— scared her.

"I miss him... I miss him a lot-" Her thoughts were interrupted by a buzz on her phone. When she looked at the sudden notification, she saw that it was from Jaemin.

"We need to talk"

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