
307 5 3

9:30 am


Luca: You heard her

Murphy: Shut up I'm trying to sleep

Luca: Fine will give you 5 minutes and then will come into your rooms awake or not

Maya: Why is my little sister so stubborn

Murphy: I want to know that to

Harper: How is Clarke, Bellamy, Lincoln, and Octavia not up

Monty: There heavy sleepers babe

Jasper: Madi what will it take for you to let us sleep

Madi: Nothing

Miller: Damn she's stubborn

Maya: Tell me about is

Jackson: At least she isn't annoying

Madi: Okay times up

Jasper: Oh shit here come grumpy Clarke and Bellamy

Octavia: Really Madi

Madi: Yes not my fault you were to busy making out with Lincoln rather than sleeping

Raven: You're not much better you and Luca were making TikTok's till midnight

Clarke: I'm not In the mood

Jasper: See now look what you have done Madi now she has to have coffee to be happy

Bellamy: At least it wasn't 5 in the morning

Madi: We even made everyone breakfast

Gaia: Okay Maya I will officially take her as my sister

Luca: omelets are in the kitchen

Clarke: aww you two are sweet kids

Luca: We also made coffee

Lincoln: Okay I feel like you guys want something

Madi: Make a TikTok with us

Murphy: Sure


Clarke: Murphy I thought you told mom we were with Harper

Murphy: Yeah I may have forgotten


Miller: So that's why your phone kept going off last night

Jasper: and you said I was the idiot

Madi: You are

Jasper: I'm not right guys?

Maya: Sorry Jasper I love you but Madi has a point

Monty: But nobody will tell the cops about your weed

Clarke: that is very true

Miller: Can anyone guess what I'm thinking we do next weekend

Jackson: A Miller party

Miller: A Miller party

Jasper: kenrnrkddoskkewnwnwowosmsnsjsksowkwkwkwkwmsnwksosksnsbsjaoaosmsk

Lincoln: Jasper you relax Need help

Murphy: I will pay you 20 bucks if you don't fangirl over any of us for a whole week


Clarke: 😳

Jasper: I will definitely try

Delinquents (Discontinued)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें