More feelings

775 16 10

Tuesday 7:00 am

Octavia: I have news

Clarke: Wait do I know it

Octavia: Yes

Bellamy: how does Clarke know but I don't

Monty: Spill the tea


Raven: Octavia tell us

Octavia: Okay Lincoln and I...

Harper: I think I know where this is going

Maya: I want to know

Miller: Tell me you found me a boyfriend

Madi: Sorry Miller I don't think she found you a boyfriend if she's talking about Lincoln and her

Madi: I think this might break Bellamy

Octavia: Lincoln and I are dating

Murphy: This is so going to break Bellamy


Clarke: Yep he's broken

Bellamy: ......

Clarke: Bellamy if you let Octavia have a boyfriend she won't annoy you a more

Bellamy: Fine but Lincoln if you break her heart

Lincoln: Let me guess you'll break me don't worry I won't hurt her

Clarke: No she's quite capable of doing it herself with multiple weapons

Lincoln: Note taken

Madi: Where's Jasper he is the biggest shipper out there


Maya: He's literally freaking out

Madi: I ship Bellarke more Sorry, Octavia

Octavia: Don't worry I am also a huge Bellarke shipper

Bellamy and Clarke: WERE NOT DATING

Raven: Both of you indoor texting

Monty: Guys we have school in less than an hour

Murphy: Fuck school

Madi: My teachers hate me

Harper: Why

Madi: Because I don't stop talking 😂

Octavia: Same 😂

Clarke: I piss teachers off with smart remarks

Raven: We were indeed in English and the teacher asked Clarke if she was paying attention and she said do you want a fake answer or a true but also fake.

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