Admiting Feelings

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Private chat between Harper and Monty

Monty: Hey Harper

Hey what's up: Harper

Monty: okay here it goes

Monty: So I have had a crush on you for a while and I have been too afraid to admit it. So I was wondering if you would like to go out with me sometime? I mean you don't have to if you don't want to. I know you probably don't like me back so it's okay. I just wanted to get this off my chest.

Don't worry I like you too Monty. I have also liked you for a while and have been afraid to admit it also. I would love to go on a date with you Monty Green: Harper

Monty: Wait really

Yes: Harper

Monty: Tomorrow after school

Can't wait!: Harper

Sunday 12:45 pm

Clarke: Does anyone know where Jasper is

Miller: Why

Clarke: Because I came over to hang out  but he got High and so I went inside to hide his phone and now he's gone

Monty: I start driving looking for him

Madi: Life lesson never leave Jasper alone

Bellamy: I thought we weren't letting Jasper get high the day before school

Clarke: Same here Murphy was supposed to take his weed yesterday

Murphy: Clarke JaSpEr RaN AwAy

Clarke: Great anyone else high

Jackson: Why is Jasper running through the park shirtless yelling the theme song of Dora the explorer

Clarke: Where the hell is his shirt

Jackson: I got him in my car after promising him that Marper happened

Clarke: Thank God

Bellamy: I have never seen Jasper like this before

Jasper: I AlSo DrAnK AlCoHoL ToO

Miller: 😂

Clarke: Miller this is not funny he came in and puked all over the floor now your cleaning it

Miller: Why me

Raven: Mom's mad


Murphy: Is no one realizing that Harper and Monty never said Marper wasn't real

Madi: Monty, Harper




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