The flock of twats

8 0 0

--Memeulous perspective--

I walked in, and was hit by a flock of twats walking. Everyone was barging, pushing, all of these cunts that I recognized but couldn't name for the life of me

It was like a flood mission in halo 1

Mutant cunts swarming from all angles

I wanted to find someone I really knew

I followed the crowd, assuming it was where all of the people were heading, but then I realized that's where they're heading, and I don't want to talk to them

I walked the other way and made my way to the cafateria

Sure enough, like he always did, there he sat

--Kris perspective--

I entered and saw a crowd of people, all walking the same way

I could recognize all of them but not put a name to the face

Sure nice to see people I recognized

Made me feel strange



I assumed where they were heading was going to be a hotspot for meeting people and finding them, but I knew where my real freind(s) would look for me

I plopped down in the seat at the far right back corner of the cafateria

It was still there, John's S-Cock-Stika Supreme™, a swastika made of graffiti s's with cock heads on the end


I opened my bag and looked for something to pretend to be eating, as a reason to be here

I wouldn't be convinced by someone sitting alone at a table eating polos, but it's the best alibi I've got

An alibi

An alibi

For why I'm stitting

At a table

Holy shit

I'm really overthinking everything



Today should be a day to talk to these people free of being tied to their judgement

I breathed, took in my surroundings, I was back, I was back... home.

That sounds weird, bit I always saw this place as a second home

Probably stockholm syndrome

I saw 2 smashed tiles

3 ads for ket drawn in biro

And a stain I can only describe is dried male syrup

Definitely stockholm syndrome

I sat for I'd say a total 7 minutes 47 seconds 11 milliseconds until I saw someone

I'm having way too much fun with this calculator watch.

They had shades, glasses and a cap

They took the cap off, revealed the all too familiar brown hair and said in the all too familiar smooth, calming British accent, "hello, you alright?"

Enigma: Memeulous X Kris deltarune X master chief X jesusDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora