Ch. 2

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I was so excited for today because... (drum roll please)IM GOING TO EAT LUNCH WITH KEADE! I jumped out of bed and got dressed.I got to class early then kicked my feet up on my desk. I was about to listen to music then someone tapped my on the shoulder. I turned around to see a kid with purple hair and a white outfit. "Hello! I'm Kokichi Oma I was wondering if you knew where I could sit?" Restrain your self Iruma...don't- "you could go sit on someone's dick for all I care!" The boy looked shocked then smiled. "Your not a very good liar Iruma-San~" ok why the hell does this kid know my name? "Nehehe~ I'll just find a seat on my own." He walked away and found a seat next to Keebo. Honestly I just need to make it trough the day without dieing.

Keade POV
I was walking to gym when someone called my name. Well not really my name. "Keaidiot! Wait up!" I turn around to see Miu running towards me. I smiled and waved as she got closer. "Hi Miu. What's wrong don't you have math?" She smiled. She has a really pretty smile. "I got a schedule change so now I have gym." My eyes lit up and I grabbed her hand. "Well come on let's go Miu!" She yelped as I dragged her to gym. We changed our clothes and we got to play volleyball. It's my favorite sport and I was so excited to play. Girls vs girls, boys vs boys. I was on a team with Maki who's in my science and ELAR classes. "Hey Maki are you excited? I know I'm excited." She shrugged looking away like she was focused on someone. I waved my hand infront of her face and she snapped back into reality. "Huh? Oh yea whatever." We started out game against two other girls and honestly Maki was great. Her form and power while hitting the ball was just incredible! "Keade it's yours!" She yelled. But right then they're was a ball hurdling towards me from the side. I jumped up and hit the ball but also ended up getting hit. I fell back in the floor and Maki stood over. "Come on get up. You did great." She ever so slightly smiled as I took her hand. "Thanks Maki!" "Yea,yea whatever." I gave her a hug and she blushed. "Do you wanna die!?" I giggled as we continued playing.
It was finally lunch and I was gonna sit by Miu. I sat at the table and waited...for a little while. Did she ditch me? What did I do...DOES SHE HATE ME!?!? I was about to start panicking when Keebo sat by me. "Oh h-hey Keebo. What brings you here?" "Iruma-San wanted me to tell she went back to the dorms. She said she wasn't feeling good so she left." I looked at the floor and stood up. " I'll be back keebo!" He waved goodbye as I left. I went to find Miu's dorm then knocked. Nothing. " Miu! Keebo told me you might be here." Silence. I opened the door to see Miu on the couch sleeping. I walked and knelt infront of her. "I guess you really are sick huh?" I brushed her hair out of her face, and watched the slow rise and fall of her stomach. She looked so at peace and was nice for a change. I kissed her forehead then stood up. "I'll come check on you later Miu. Have a good rest." I walked out the door as soon as the bell rang. I walked to my next class eager for the end of the day.

I walked back to Miu's dorm to go check on her like I said. I opened the door to see her watching Tv and Tenko was in her room. "Hi Miu I came to check on you. Are you feeling alright?" I hugged her and she lightly scoffed. "I'm fine Bakamatsu." I giggled and saw a small smile tug at her lips. "Are you smiling Miu?" She pushed me away grunting. "W-what!? NO! Just shut up Bakamatsu." I hugged her again and she returned the hugged as a comfortable silence washed over us.
"Why did you kiss my forehead Keade?"

WHY THE HELL WOULD I ASK THAT!?! SHES GONNA THINK IM WEIRD! "Well I thought is was a friend thing. Also when I was younger to feel better my parents would do it." "Oh ok..." it was the answer I expected but not the one I really wanted. I don't know what I wanted but just something...different. "S-so we're friends?" Dammit Iruma stop stuttering! She gave me a warm smile. "Of course we're friends Miu! Why wouldn't we be?" I shrugged. " you weren't actually asleep?" I nodded in shame. "Oh- so you skip school when you feel like it? Maybe I'll join you one day." She giggled. "Yea whatever." I couldn't tell her the REAL reason I left. I hit her with the volleyball. I don't know how it was just you have the you don't. "Is something wrong Miu? Or is it just the fact I caught onto your little scheme?" I put on a smile and laughed. "As if! Now fuck off I'm going to my lab." Her eyes lit up. "Can I come Miu!?" "Didn't you hear me say fuck off?!" She got on her knees and clasped her hands together. "Please Miu! Just let me go just this once." I jumped back a little startled. "Eek! What the fuck Keaidiot! Stop it!" She frowned and stayed put. "No! Let me come to your lab with you!" Eek! Why did she raise her voice! "No leave me alone." She got up and pouted. "MIU!" I fell back. Why does she keep yelling. I got on my knees as tears welled up in my eyes. "Miu? What's wrong?" The tears fell down my face as I stayed silent. She pulled me into a tight hug. "Miu what's wrong?" I cried harder and started to choke on my tears. "W-why are you yelling." I cried harder and she pulled me into her chest. "I'm extremely sorry Miu...I didn't mean to yell. I especially didn't want to make you cry." I felt like an idiot...crying over someone yelling. Stop being a baby Iruma! Cant even have someone yell at you?! BULLSHIT! Keade brought me out of my thoughts. "Miu? You alive." I nodded then got up. "Let's just head to my lab and you can come if you want." She warped her arms around me from behind. "Thanks Miu!" "Eeek! Get off Keaidiot!" She let go and nervously giggled. Stupid ass you liked the hug! Why would you do that? Your such a screw up! SHUT UP GO AWAY! I was completely lost in my thoughts. "Miu?" I shook my head then headed to my lab. But my thoughts had other plans.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2020 ⏰

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