Chapter 10

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Y/N thanked the Mystic Falls residence for their help. Now that she was in her right mind, she had been able to befriend some of them, finding that they weren't so bad to be around. Worrying about Ethan had really taken a toll on her. They all seemed to like her more, now that she was back to her old self.

She had said goodbye to her new friends with promises of visiting and returned to New Orleans with her family.

As soon as they got back, Y/N, Ethan, and Elijah spent the day together. Ethan and Elijah got along perfectly. They did a lot of stuff together that only made Ethan love his father more.

Afterwards, Ethan spent time with his Aunt Rebekah and Uncle Klaus while Y/N and Elijah spent time together.

They took a stroll through the park. It was the first true quiet time they'd had together in forever. They were calm and at peace and filled with their love for each other and it made the moment perfect.

"I missed this." Y/N said, her hand wrapped around Elijah's as she ran her fingertips over their interlocked hands. "Being here with you. Everything is so calm, peaceful. It feels so much better."

Elijah smiled, bringing their hands up to his lips and kissing them softly. "As have I, dearheart."

"You know what else I've missed?" She asked him, stopling them as she faced him with a smile.

"What?" He questioned, looking into those beautiful eyes of hers. She stood on her toes to reach his lips, pressing hers against his as she englufed him in an intimate kiss.

He kissed her back quickly and easily, placing his hand behind her head as she tilted his own for a better angle.

She tangled her hands in his hair as she deepened the kiss, so engulfed in the feel of his lips on her own.

They pulled back, their lips still hovering over each other as they smiled. "I've missed that, as well."

She chuckled and went in for another kiss. He spoke, "Wait." She stopped, moving her face away to look at him properly.

He smiled and told her, "I have something to say first."

She nodded to show she was listening and he spoke, "I've loved you for so many years and I hope to love you for so many more. And I hope to do it properly, and there's only one thing keeping me from that."

He kneeled down in front of her, taking her hand while his other disappeared in his pocket and took something out.

He took out a small black box and opened it, revealing a beautiful diamond ring that glistened when it caught the light just right.

She covered her mouth, tears springing to her eyes as she watched him. He continued, "Being apart from you was the worst thing I ever had to endure, and being a part of you will be the best thing to be. The family I have with you is more than I could ever have asked for and I want to continue to share it with you. So, Y/N Axeldottir, will you do the honors of becoming my wife? Will you marry me?"

Y/N nodded, smiling wide as she wrapped her arms around him, "Yes, Elijah, of course! You know I would!"

He smiled as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close and holding on tight. He slippped the ring on her finger and kissed her again, this kiss filled with love and joy and passion.

When they pulled away, she told him, "You do realize we were already engaged, right?"

He nodded, "I'm aware. I just wanted to do it right. Besides, no one knew."

"Everyone will know now." She told him, wrapping her hand around his once more and englufing him in another loving kiss.


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