Chapter 7

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Y/N paced the room that night, Elijah sitting in a chair in the corner of his room as he watched her. She was still very stressed about the whole situation. She had insisted that they go immediately to find her son, but the Mikaelsons collectively agreed that she rest first so she could calm herself.

"Y/N, lay down." Elijah told her calmly. She wasn't much for being stressed and pacing was a big symptom of it. She shook her head, "I can't. I can't stop moving. I need something to do. I need to find my son."

Elijah spoke again, "We will find him. But you need to rest. This day has been exhausting and you won't be in your right mind if you're so worked up."

"How are you so calm, 'Lijah? Our son is gone and we don't know if he's okay or hurt." She said, continuing to pace, unable to hold back her thoughts.

Elijah was by her side in a second, his hands holding her wrists, firm but gentle enough not to hurt her. "Y/N, we will find him. I gave you my word that we would and you know better than anyone, I keep my word."

Her expressions softened, the worry in her eyes fading a little bit as his voice soothed her. She hadn't heard his voice in so long and it seemed so strange to hear it again. A tear slipped from her eye as she stared up at him, gazing deep into his brown eyes with such love.

He gave her a soft smile to ease her further, sweeping her off of her feet and carrying her to the bed. He laid her down under the sheets, pulling the covers up and climbing in next to her. "Rest now, my dearest heart. The sooner you sleep, the sooner you wake, and the sooner we find Ethan. Sleep."

She sighed, calming her nerves, and laid her head on his chest. She breathed in his familiar scent and let out a deep breath. "I love you." Elijah spoke softly. Y/N smiled, "I love you, as well, Elijah."

After a few more soothing words from Elijah, Y/N's mind wandered and she soon found herself resting for tomorrow's search.


Elijah woke Y/N up the next morning. He was against it at first, happy seeing the love of his eternal life back to him and so calm, but he knew she would want to be up early. She woke up slowly, her eyes fluttering open as she looked over at Elijah with squinted eyes. Y/N looked at the window just behind him, her eyes squinting more before they adjusted fairly quickly.

"Morning." She mumbled, grumping a little bit. Elijah smile, remembering how Y/N hated mornings. That hadn't changed. "Good morning, Y/N. I would have let you sleep, but I knew you would want to be up early."

She took a moment for her mind to wake up, slowly adjusting to not sleeping. She yawned once and said, "It's so strange."

"What is?" Elijah asked, rubbing her arm gently as she woke up. She shrugged, "Ethan always woke me up in the morning. He would get hungry and, instead of making breakfast himself, which he knows how to do, he would jump on the bed to wake me up and we'd make it together."

Elijah smiled, imagining the scene in his head. He couldn't wait to finally be apart of the little family Y/N and Ethan had in one another. She sighed and got out of the bed, Elijah following just behind her as she tried to get herself situated.

She rubbed her arms, looking around as she got used to her surroundings. She was never one to wake up quickly. Y/N opened her arms, walking over to Elijah with the intention of hugging him. He smiled, remembering this from those centuries ago, how she would drag herself out of bed and make the first task of the day to hug him.

He opened his arm to her, pulling her in close for a long, loving, content hug. She breathed in his scent, familiarizing herself once again after all those years.

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