Chapter 9

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It was a good day to drop by Mystic Falls and have a little fun. Especially when the Salvatores were the true focus. Katherine was bound to have fun, toying with Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie, juggling the Salvatores.

A quick bite wouldn't hurt. Well, not her anyway.

She walked through the town to see who would be the lucky winner today. While searching for her meal, she bumped into someone. She looked up and the woman she bumped into spoke, "May I help you?"

Katherine gave her a look and said, "Maybe by watching where you're going. Sure."

"You bumped into her." Another woman standing beside her spoke.

"So maybe you should be watching where you're going." A third woman said.

Katherine rolled her eyes and began to keep walking before she saw a child standing next to the women. He looked afraid, fidgeting with his hands and shifting on his feet. She looked up at the three women and spoke, "Are you new here? I haven't seen you around..."

The taller one spoke, "What's it to you?"

Katherine took a step forward, effectively stepping into their space as she spoke, "I know a lot of people here, you aren't one of them."

The boy looked up at her, a hint of fear in her eyes. The fear wasn't for himself or for the women, it was for Katherine. He didn't want someone to get hurt. He softly cleared his throat, "What's the next thing on the list, Saoirse?"

The woman in the middle looked down at the boy, a small smile on her lips as she said, "Right. Let's go then, sisters. Leave her be." When Saoirse had bent over, Katherine snuck a look at the list in her hand. Those ingredients were definitely not for any humans.

"Witches? Should've known." Katherine spoke as the sisters passed her.

They turned around and the boy gulped. Katherine crossed her arms and tilted her head. "And a vampire. We already did know. Run along now. Don't want anyone getting hurt, do we?" The taller one said.

"Come now, Ciara, no need to get hostile." Saoirse spoke, "What is it you want, vampire?"

Katherine shrugged, "What are you doing with the boy?"

"None of your concern, really." The shortest one spoke.

Katherine looked at her and then back to the boy, who was very uncomfortable with the situation. "Did they hurt you?" Katherine asked. He shook his head. "Are they going to?"

He didn't do anything then, only looked at his feet. He didn't know how to answer, he didn't know if they were going to hurt him or not. "What are you doing with the kid?" She asked again.

The witches sighed, "If we tell you that, we'll have to kill you."

"Are you going to kill him?" She asked, unfolding her arms.

The shortest one shook her head, "Heavens no. We would never kill a child."

Saoirse rolled her eyes, "This is a young witch....for the most part. We need his power, then we let him go. That's it."

Katherine thought over their words. If it was just another person, she would have kept walking, she couldn't care less. But she wouldn't want a child to get hurt, no matter what someone would think. She sighed, "You take his magic and then you let him go? Where?"

"Back to his family, of course." Ciara spoke.

Katherine took another moment to think before she finally spoke, "If I help you find what you're looking for, you give me the kid and I'll take him back to his family. Unharmed."

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