Chapter Twenty

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Blue and Gold. Everyone was shrouded in long gowns scrapping the floor and square caps resting on everyone's head. Noelle sat in her assigned row as the ceremony started. Walking into the venue, Noelle almost immediately spotted Carson--well he was built like a fucking tree. She also saw that he chopped off his shaggy locks and had a more clean and neat cut. She kinda missed his wild hair. He was currently laughing with a slightly shorter boy that she assumed was Tyler. 

While laughing his attention got caught on Noelle. She had straighten her usual puffy black hair. It shined and flowed as if she always wore it that way. He could tell she had on a bit of makeup that really highlighted the warmth in her honeyed-eyes. She smiled warmly at him and he smiled back. The ceremony commenced and all the graduates waited patiently for the moment to throw those square hats. 

The valedictorian was Noelle and everyone clapped and cheered as she approached the stage to make her statement. Her smile was big and bright and she could see her family cheering for her on the sidelines.

Noelle spoke in the mic and eyes were on her, "Grads...take a deep breath..." Everyone took a deep breath together. "...Let it go..." They exhaled. "...We did it." Everyone cheered in celebration. "These hours, right now, are ours. No one can take that from us. We've cried, laughed, sweat and bled together. We're practically family at this point. I can feel the elation in this room and I can see so much potential right in front of me. We've worked hard for this moment to get where we are right now. I'm not too sure what I believe in but I believe in what I see. And when I look into this crowd of graduates, I see our whole lives a head of us. We deserve every minute of this celebration." The crowd cheered as she left the stage. Carson hooped and hollered the loudest it seemed. She smiled brightly as she took her seat. 

The ceremony came to a close as they said names and gave out diplomas. And once the principal announced the class of 2019 as officially graduated, blue caps were thrown in the air and seem to float down slowly. Noelle looked up mesmerized while Carson looked at a mesmerized Noelle. Her eyes were bright and lively as he took her in mentally. Blue caps floated down to Earth as Noelle's eyes met Carson's for a brief moment. It was picturesque in a sense. Like it was just them for one moment. A moment they shared together on completely different sides of the room.

The graduates were led outside to meet up with families and say good-bye to teachers and faculty. Carson stood on the golden sidewalk and waited for Noelle to float out of the venue and eventually she did. She stopped abruptly as she felt someone touch her shoulder. She looked up at him with her warm eyes and he looked down at her. They both weren't sure what to say considering they haven't talked in months. But they weren't the same kids from a few months ago but being together wasn't in their immediate future. They both agreed with that. 

"...Hey..."Noelle said softly. 

"Hi." He said nervously, his hand tried to run through his hair out of habit. But, stopped short when he remembered he hack his hair off last week. "You look good, Noe."

She smiled to herself, "You look handsome, Holt." She poked.

"We did it." He smiled as he looked at his jet black diploma cover.

"Yeah, I know. Crazy, right?" There was a pause between them was kinda awkward but that's to be expected, right?

"Uhh, so what are you doing tonight?" He asked. Noelle shrugged. 

"Most likely take pictures and go to dinner with my family." She chuckled a bit as she saw her family watch her talk to Carson. 

"Cool, cool. There's a party tonight at Tyler's." He nudged her, "You should pop by."

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