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( I'm not gonna write what happened before anymore I find it takes up to much time.
New letters:
M - Mads
BG - Blake Gray
NE - Nessa (because she's not really gonna be in the story anymore)
N - Noah

The rooms changed again:
Bryce and Griffin
Avani and Charli
Noah and Blake
Y/n and Dixie

Also itatlic writing in this chapter is you/your charecters thoughts)


You guys got home at 11:30am. Anthony and Nessa both left the house at 3pm. A guy named Blake Gray joined the house. You Dixie and Avani went out at 6:30pm to grab Starbucks. You guys came back and went in the house. You saw a girl in the house that you never saw before.

??? - Hey guys
Y/n - Hey...
D - Who are you?
??? - Madison, mads for short. I'm Jaden's girlfriend. Who are you guys?

Right there you remember it was the girl who Jaden was texting when he was still dating you. Also you and Jaden were still not talking to each other.

D - Dixie
A - Avani
Y/n - I'm y/n, I'm gonna go outside for a bit but you guys can stay here
M - Okay sounds good

You went outside and sat down and played on your phone until someone came out.

BG - Why'd you come out here?
Y/n - Some stuff happened and yeah... I just don't wanna talk about it
BG - You jealous of Mads and Jaden?
Y/n - Blake can you go please, I said I don't wanna talk about it
BG - Okay

Blake leaves and you keep playing on your phone.


You hear someone come outside again.

N - We're watching a movie if you wanna come in, you don't need to talk to Jaden or Mads
Y/n - Sure

You smile then get up and go inside.

M - Omg I just realised that you have an amazing shirt on, I love it
Y/n - Mhm thanks
M - I can't believe me and Jaden have been dating a little over a month
Y/n - Congratulations, that's amazing

You tried to sound sarcastic but no one could tell.

M - Thank you! I love him so much
J - I love you too baby
M - Wanna come and watch a movie with us
Y/n - Nope, I'm okay. I'm a little tired so I'm just gonna go chill in my room

You weren't tired you were just trying to get away from sitting with either of them.

M - Maybe Jaden, you and myself could hang out later
Y/n - Nope I'm good
J - She's normally like this she doesn't like anyone and she's rude to everyone here
M - Wow, she gave off the wrong impression of how she normally is than
Y/n - Whatever...
M - No, say what you have to say to my face
J - Baby just ignore her
Y/n - Jaden I'm sick and tired of you telling people lies about me, just because I'm your ex doesn't give you the right to treat me like shit
M - Oh so this is the girl that you said was treating you badly
Y/n - Excuse me?! I treated him better than any other girl could have, you know how many times I actually did stuff for him that no girl would've done. And before you go all crazy on me I treated him better than you ever will.

You start to walk away.

M - Bye bitch never talk to me again

You stop walking and turn around.

Y/n - What did you just call me?
M - N-Nothing
Y/n - N-Nothing, just stop lying geez. It isn't that hard

You roll your eyes.

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