Kate Austen- Loss (c)

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When you found out there were other people on the island, you didn't know if you should be happy or scared. Maybe it was someone trying to save you, someone looking for the lost plane and able to take you back to civilisation; maybe they were native to the island; or maybe they were trapped there too and hadn't been found. Other people being there could mean you were saved or it could mean you were doomed and that didn't take into consideration if they were hostile or meant you harm which seen as several people had been injured or kidnapped, that was the likeliest option.

After a while on the island, you had given up hope of returning home, but you had moved to think optimistically about what the future on the island held. It may not have been your first option, but it wouldn't be the end of the world to try and thrive on the island. You had met Kate and fallen in love and you were excited to try and find a future together whether that was in the real world or on an island in the middle of nowhere but a war with the others on the island would only make things far more complicated and hard.

If things could get worse, Kate wanted to be part of the fight, to help her fellow survivors and try to keep them safe. Of course, you wanted things to go well for your side, but you couldn't bear to think of the woman you loved getting hurt.

As she went to join the others in discussion of what the next actions were going to be, you caught her arm and asked her to stay.

"I won't be long," Kate assured. "This is important, but it won't take long."

"Please... Kate," you begged. "I can't lose you."

She gently rubbed your arm with her hand, offering you a sympathetic smile.

"If you join this fight, there is no certainty that you will come back to me. There's been so much bad but then I met you and you've brought the light back into my world," you croaked.

Kate pressed her lips to your forehead, running her other hand through your hair. "It's going to be okay; I promise you, but this is necessary. Without it, we could end up losing everyone and ourselves."

Your lower lip began to quiver. "We've lost too many people already... I'm not losing you."

"I promise you, I will be back," she smiled. "But I need to go."

She kissed you once more before heading off, leaving you lost and terrified for what would come.


Written by Charlotte.

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