Jack Shephard- Pain (c)

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"You bastard," you hissed as Jack pulled at the fabric of your shirt, ribbing open your sleeve, tearing the fabric from your open wound.

"Sorry," he apologised, quickly removing the sleeve so that the fabric was hanging loose at your shoulder but not getting in the way of the wound he needed to treat.

You had been helping hunt boars when one came out of the vegetation, scaring you and sending up to the floor. You landed on your arm, the bone breaking, slicing through the skin. Although the pain was horrendous, you were able to get back to camp, heading straight to Jack, hoping he would be able to help you with the limited medical supplies.

"It's a pretty clean break," he said, looking at the piece of bone sticking out of your arm.

He took a second to think what the best possible ways to help you, seen as he didn't have half the stuff, he needed to give you the best possible care. Jack moved your arm, rotating it so he could see the inner side but was faced with something he didn't expect. By you elbow he saw the edge of the cut caused by the broken bone but towards your wrist there were many scars of varying ages, even a couple that were still scabbed.

"Y/N," he whispered, not having expected to find such a thing.

Through all your pain, you were able to keep your emotions under control, but now that he saw your dark secret, tears welled in your eyes.

"Did you do these?" He asked.

You couldn't lie to him. He wasn't a stupid man and you were far to stressed and filled with pain to lie to him. You nodded your head, looking down unable to stop the tears anymore.

"Oh, Y/N," he sighed.

"I'm sorry," you whispered.

He let you cry as you clearly needed it, not prying too much as he let you spill all the pain that held into your heart. You told him of your history with depression and how you had experienced times of struggle, the most recent being since you ended up on the island. You didn't know how to cope, having barely been able to do that when you were home. It felt like a relief to tell someone everything but also nerve racking to have someone know all your pain. Jack listened, only interrupting if he needed you to move your arm as he patched it up, not wishing to leave it to get infected. Once he was certain you were done, he told you all that you had heard from medical professionals before but also showed his care.

"Please know there are so many other things that you can do to help you cope that don't involve you getting hurt," he said softly. "I promise you that I am going to be here for as long as you need me, and if you ever feel like hurting yourself like that, please come to me."

You gave him a weak smile, having never had someone who was willing to listen to you without thrusting medication in your hand.

"Thank you, Jack," you said softly.

"It's not hard to show someone some kindness, and sometimes that is what someone needs most."


Written by Charlotte.

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