Boone Carlyle- Calm (c)

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Being woken up from a nap is a terrible thing to happen, it is far worse when the reason you are awoken is because the plane you are on is crashing. You wished the worst thing occurring was being woken up from a nap but being crashed on a deserted island was far worse. The plane was a complete wreckage and many people were injured fatally. For anyone else this would be a horrific and stressful situation but for a doctor it was worse. You knew you had to help everyone here and it was harder than you had first anticipated.

You'd assisted people away from the plane's wreckage, but you had found a woman whom was bleeding out on the beach and crying out in pain. A man was helping her but wasn't completely sure what to do.

"Are you okay?" You asked the man.

"I'm fine, she's.... she's got something in her stomach and there's so much blood," he whispered, in shock of what was before him.

"Okay," you whispered. "It's going to be okay. My name is Y/N, what's your name ma'am?"

The woman couldn't respond through her tears and painfilled screams. You turned to the man.

"Do you know her name?" You asked him.

"No... I found her like this," he explained.

You nodded your head, moving her shirt from the large gash on her abdomen with an obvious chunk of metal embedded in it.

"Okay... what's your name? Have you done anything to her?"

"I'm... I'm Boone. No, I put pressure on the wound but I... I don't know what to do."

Taking off your jacket you put it onto her wound to help cut off the blood falling from her as you tried to think of the best plan of action when there weren't any medical supplies around you.

"Hello ma'am, I'm Y/N and I'm a doctor. I am going to do my best to help you but it's going to be tough and it's going to hurt," you sighed. "I'm sorry."

Boone hovered over your shoulder, watching your breathing become harsh and panicked as you tried to think about how you would be able to safe this woman's life.

"It's going to be okay Y/N, you can do this," Boone assured you.

"Thanks, I just need to think," you whispered trying to think what there could be that you could access to help you.

"Just stay calm," he said gently. "You need to be calm."

With that you turned to him and snapped. "I am bloody calm."

You took a breath realising you shouldn't have snapped at the poor man.

"I'm sorry," you said. "Okay... okay... we just need to hope that there isn't anything punctured as without a scan I can't be sure. Boone, I am going to need you to find me some alcohol, something sharp and a sewing kit."

"Got it."

He ran off in the search of the things you needed whilst you kept pressure on the wound around the chunk of metal hoping this woman would live to see another day.


Written by Charlotte.

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