James Ford- Case (c)

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Sawyer was sat in his make shift tent attempting to open some case. You had been here for a few weeks and you had never seen it before, but if Sawyer had it then it wasn't going to be someone anyone else would get a look of.

You hadn't really spoken to him before, every time you went anywhere near him he just called you 'kid' and sent you away from him, no matter what you were trying to talk to him about, or even if you weren't trying to make conversation.

He kept shaking the case, and trying to pry it open with any object that he had. Without letting yourself think properly you made your way over to Sawyer and plopped yourself down next to him.

"What are you trying to do?" you questioned.

"Trying to open this case. Run along kid," he frowned.

"Why do you hate me?" you asked.

He looked up from the silver case, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Why do you think I hate you?"

"You always tell me to leave. And you keep calling me kid. You don't treat Shannon or Claire the same way, and we're the same age," you shrugged.

"I don't want to hurt you kid. I'm old enough to be your Dad, and if you haven't noticed everyone hates me. If you want them to like you, then you don't want to like me."

You let out a laugh, giving him a lopsided smile.

"They already don't like me much. Everyone's older than me other than Walt, and he's a lot younger than me. Claire and Charlie spend all their time together, Boone is waiting on Shannon hand and foot, and Shannon told me to come back when I can bring her a low fat soy latte. Then there's everyone else, they kind of hate me. I'm not much use," I sighed.

He put the case down onto his lap.

"They don't hate you kid. It's each man for himself. The doc thinks we'll all be able to save one another, but really we're better off alone," he stated, "now I've given you a pep talk can you leave so I can open this?"

He lifted the case a bit gaining attention from Michael and Hurley.

"Is that your case?" Hurley asked.

"Found it," Sawyer muttered.

He went back to trying to break it open by hitting it but nothing was really happening.

"That's a Zero Halliburton type aluminium suitcase, you'll never be able to open it by force. Do you have the key?" Michael asked.

Sawyer dropped the case next to him standing up to frown at the pair.

You didn't pay much attention to them, but you turned your attention to the case. Lifting it up you looked at it. There was a three digit code and you needed a key.

By trade you had been a thief and you were good at getting into practically anything no matter the lock that stood in your way. You moved the three numbers before calculating what the number could possibly be. Quickly you worked that out and used a fragment of metal that Sawyer was using the bash open the case to turn in the lock like a key until the case popped open.

"Guys it's open," you stated.

The three of them ignored you and continued to bicker.

"Sawyer, your case is open idiot," you frowned standing up and placing the now open case into his arms.

All three of the men looked at you opened mouthed and wide eyed.


Written by Charlotte.

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