11. Her First Award Show

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Jayden was standing even before they mentioned his name, helping Olivia out of her seat and into the aisle, wrapping her up in a big hug before letting her approach the stage. The lights were even brighter up there than they had been outside and all Olivia could do was stare down at the award the presenter had pressed into her hand and think about where she would put it.

The thought that she was supposed to say something moved her towards the microphone before the clapping died away.

"Wow. Okay. Um, thank you so much. I know this award was voted by the people, at least that's what the title suggests so I'm gonna say thank you to them first. This is my first award. Ever. I didn't even place in the spelling bee so this is a really big deal. I have to say thank you to my manager, Jon. I wouldn't even be here if he hadn't decided to take a chance on me. And to my mom and sister of course. I miss you both."

A whispered thought, a vague mention from Jon just before he saw her to her seat sparked in Olivia's brain.

"And of course, a huge thank you to my very good friend, Jayden, who wrote this brilliant song and didn't completely hate my rendition of it. So thank you, Jay. And thank you for being my date. Thank you, everyone!"

Olivia held the award over her head just as the music started up again and the crowd started cheering. She was led backstage where Jon, Anton, and Jayden were already waiting, cheering for her. She welcomed Jayden's embrace and then squeezed Anton too tight out of excitement. They had only a moment to celebrate as they were the ones to perform next.

Anton sat behind a large black piano that was rolled out on stage and Jayden and Olivia were given microphones before they were given the signal to walk out on stage. Taking Olivia's hand, Jayden led them back out.

Their performance of his song this time was different from the one Olivia had played for the radio station two months before, slower and smoother than the one they had performed together during Jayden's festival set only a few weeks prior. Anton had arranged the song to become a love ballad. As they sang, their eyes eventually went from the crowd to each other so that they ended the song singing to one another.

When Olivia met Jayden's eyes, it was as if they were still in the studio, rehearsing. She was just in jeans and Anton's hair didn't have so much gel in it. They were seated on bar-stools with microphones that weren't hooked up to anything, singing only for each other and the instruments hanging on the wall.

Only Jayden was aware of it at the time but Olivia's cover was close to surpassing his original music video in views. But the video of the two of them singing it live at this award show would leave both videos in the dust.

Jon alerted Jayden, as soon as they stepped off stage, exactly what after-party they would be attending. Jayden told their driver where to go and Olivia received one last hug and congratulations from Anton before she climbed in behind Jayden amid a flurry of flashing lights.

There seemed to be more people at the after party than had been at the show and people kept coming up to the two of them, congratulating them as if they had won the award together. They were tethered in the minds of the other guest goers.

A live band was playing from a stage set up along one side of a large dance floor around which round tables congregated. If there was food, Olivia never saw it. She was busy being introduced to seemingly every single person in attendance as Jayden led her through the party by the hand.

When she stifled her third yawn, Jayden excused them from the pointless conversation they had fallen into with someone Olivia couldn't even remember and he led her out to the dance floor. Few others were dancing. More attendees were preoccupied, chatting with one another, exchanging information, and taking copious amounts of pictures.

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