The First Encounter

Start from the beginning

"Um, Lord Beerus," Gohan interrupted, "Our world just went through a calamity that we were barely able to stop, so can you at least have this fight somewhere else?" He asked them.

Beerus rubbed his chin, though it was obvious to them that he was going to refuse, however, Whis did help them in this regard, "Lord Beerus, I think it would be simply delightful if we have this match on one of the barren planets. That way you both can unleash your full power without the risk of destroying any lives." He said, making the feline God nod at that. Looking at Goku, the Angel continued, "And I think it would be smart for Son Goku here to gain his adult form back, so you can have more challenge."

Beerus nodded at this, "Well, well, that seems like a grand idea," He said, making the three sigh a breath of relief, "Rest up Son Goku, for when we fight, I don't want any weakness from you."

"We will come for you in one Earth week, so prepare all you want." Whis said as he teleported Beerus and himself away.

Goku finally breathed a sigh of relief as he floated back to the ground. "What happened Goku?" He heard his wife call out. It was the first time she called for him ever since he decided on going away forever, but now it seemed that the plan was on hold.

"It seems Lord Beerus is intent on fighting you, Kakarot." Vegeta said as he landed, "We need you to get to the strongest you can be, before getting you to be an adult again."

Bulma noticed the fear in voice as he told Goku, "Vegeta, what's wrong?" She asked him. Vegeta looked at her.

"Later." He said, "Trunks, Goten, Bulla, go get the Dragon Radar." He commanded as the two nodded and flew off to retrieve the radar their mother had built. "Kakarot, you go to Dende's place, I'll meet you there." He told his rival, who confusedly nodded and went to the former Kami's Hideout.

Looking at the remaining warriors, Vegeta growled, "You lot also follow Kakarot. Make sure he reaches there safely. Knowing him, he'd be sent to HFIL again."

As everyone left to ensure Goku reached the Hideout safely, Vegeta turned to both Bulma and Chichi. "The reason I am worried for Kakarot is because I already knew about Lord Beerus."

"Wait, you mean that he isn't some alien pretending to be a god?" Chichi asked.

Vegeta shook his head, "I met him when I was a child. On Planet Vegeta, Beerus arrived, looking for the finest food to eat." He sighed, "And if we were to fail in providing that, he had said that he would destroy our entire planet."

"Normally, I would not even be worried if it was some other enemy, but the thing is that I have seen Lord Beerus in action, and even then, that was on an accident." He said, "He has this one ability to simply erase." He told them.


Goku looked at his childish body as he wiped off some bruises that had been present after his day of training. He had been resting in his house, with his wife, Chichi, cooking up a hearty meal. While she hadn't said it, he knew that she was happy that he was staying for some while. He could also feel that under all that happiness, she was also sad as well, due to him eventual leaving.

"Hey, Chichi?" He called out, making his wife look at him.

"What?" She asked with a tilt of her head which, for Goku, seemed too cute.

"Are you okay?" He asked her, which elicited a laugh from her.

"Of course I am alright." She said, a fake smile on her face which he could see through, "Why do you ask that?" She asked.

"Well, you haven't talked to me much ever since I had plans on leaving." He said softly.

Chichi visibly shuddered at that. She looked at his young stature lovingly as she smiled at him. "Oh, Goku." She started. "Ever since I married you and you first died, I accepted the fact that my life would never be normal." Goku looked at her with sad eyes, "You then didn't come back home for a year after you defeated that Frieza guy, and then you sacrificed yourself during the Cell Games, leaving me a widow for almost seven years." He noticed the tears beginning to form in her eyes and took a step forward to her. "And then, when we had peace on Earth, you took Uub to train, almost never coming home." She now had tears streaming down her eyes, making him feel even more guilty.

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