Tears, travelling and Tratie

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I knelt by his grave, salty tears tracking wet paths down my face. Katie rubbed my back gently, murmuring words of comfort. Chocolates sat by his grave, just like he would've liked.

It was a monster attack that got him. Hellhounds in the forest somehow. He went down fighting and saved several lives with his sacrifice.

'Travis, sweetie..' My girlfriend said at last, 'we need to get to school.' I nodded, running my hands over the engraved marble of his gravestone one last time.

In loving memory of Connor Stoll. Beloved brother, son, prankster and friend.


A grin spread over my face as I watched the couple stride through the school gates.

'C'mon.'  I gestured to the guys around me, and they rose as one, pushing phones into back pockets and stubbing out cigarettes.

'What do we have here?' I asked when we got over to the pair. 'Has wittle baby Travis been crying? Come on Katie, surely you'd rather be with a real man?'

Katie scowled at me and tucked her hand tightly into Travis's.

'Travis has every right to be crying. And I will never date someone like you while there are people like him in the world. So scurry off back to your corner, Ryan. Because the world will always have heroes.'

I blinked.

'No one talks to him like that you- you-' Finnick, one of my cronies, started.

'I wouldn't finish that sentence if I were you, man.' I gritted my teeth and turned to see Jamie Lox stroll over, hands in his pockets, chocolate hair flopped artfully over one emerald green eye. 'The school is being especially strict on bullying after that incident last year.'

Last year, one of the seventh graders had squealed on us after a particularly bad suitcase wedgie. We'd made him pay for every one of those detentions, but it didn't make up for all the free time we'd lost. Actually, it took up more.

'Well no one's gonna rat us out this time, are they?' I replied, scowling at the memory.

'You never know who's listening. Best not to risk it.' He turned to Travis and Katie, who were both watching the encounter emotionlessly. 'You guys coming inside?' Katie nodded, and pulled Travis along after her, catching up with Jamie as he walked into the school.


'You ok dude?' I asked as soon as the doors slammed shut behind us. Katie answered for him.

'He's fine, Jamie. Just... grieving.'

'Look, Travis...' I sighed. 'I get it. I lost a cousin to a wild animal attack, while we were on a camping trip, and it hurt worse than anything else I've ever felt. No one's asking you to forget about him. He deserves better than that. But you're a shell of yourself now. I want- no need- my best friend back. It's been months. We've been waiting for you to become a fully present human being again, but it just isn't happening! I'm worried about you. We all are.'

For some reason, Katie snorted at the 'fully present human being' bit, but Travis was quiet for a long time before he spoke.

'I feel like a shell of myself. No, more than that, I feel like I'm missing half of my soul. And it hurts so bad, J.' He paused. 'But you're right. I have other responsibilities. I'm neglecting my girlfriend, ignoring the rest of my family. I don't even know the last time I played a decent prank on someone.' Shaking himself out, he smiled crookedly at us. 'Ok, guys. Travis Stoll is back in business.'

I smiled. Something in my speech had reignited that flame inside of him. And no way in Hades was I going to let it go out.


Ryan and co-managed to corner us again in the deserted staff car park at first break.

'You're never gonna be as good as me, you scrawny idiots.' He sneered. 'You wanna know why?'

'Not particularly.' Travis said under his breath. Jamie snickered.

'Its because I'm a son of Dionysus! God of war!' At this, we all burst out laughing.

'If he was a demigod, he would definitely be one of those two.' I muttered. Then in a louder voice, I said; 'Brilliant! If you're a demigod, you can kill those telkhines behind you!' They all spun, letting out girlish screams as there were, indeed, five huge telkhines creeping up behind them. The boys bolted, still screaming as they did so. Jamie just stood staring at the monsters.

'No? How rude. We'll have to do it ourselves.' Travis commented lightheartedly, extracting a spear from his backpack. 'You ready, Katie-Kat?'

I smiled at the familiar nickname.

'Always.' I replied, pulling out my twin daggers.  We grinned at each other, then lunged into battle.

We killed the monsters in record time. By the time we were done, Jamie was blabbering in gibberish.

'Shhh.' Travis put a hand over Jamie's mouth, quieting him. 'Yes, those were monsters. yes, we are demigods. Katie is a daughter of Demeter and I'm a son of-

'Hermes.' Someone said. We all whirled around to find Hermes standing there. He looked awful. He was thinner than usual, his eyes were bloodshot and his winning smile was wobbly. 'Don't die on me, will you Travis? It seems to be all my sons are doing at the moment.'

'Dad.' Travis croaked. Then he ran to his father inhumanely fast, and the two embraced as if the world were falling apart and they were singlehandedly holding it together. Jamie and I turned away, respectful of the intimate moment.

'You too, Jamie.' Hermes called over Travis's head. 'You're my son too, get over here.'

'What?!' Jamie startled.

'You're my son. Unclaimed, so far, as you somehow managed to avoid monsters. But I can fix that.' The god waved a hand, and a caduceus appeared over Jamie's head. Jamie stared at it for a moment, then gave a choked sort of cry, and then belted it across the car park to get in on the hug.

A  few minutes later, Hermes pulled away. All three guys faces were wet and slightly red. Hermes sniffed.

'Believe it or not, I didn't just come here to hug things out.  We need to get to Olympus, now.' He said, checking his watch. 'Actually, we're late. So I have to magic us to Olympus, instead of taking the scenic route. Sorry guys.' He clicked his fingers, and we all landed outside The Olympic Throne Room. A few go go gos from Hermes and we all darted inside.

How much trouble am I in for killing Connor?

Also, should I do Lou Ellen Or Rachel or Reyna next?

Any more OCs?

Dedicated to @NicoLeopercy9  for the OC

Dedicated to @NicoLeopercy9  for the OC

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