𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒

ابدأ من البداية

So once the pulp was over and everyone had gotten up to leave, I passed the boy who smiled weakly at me, a smile a didn't not reciprocate. And as quickly as a predator captures its prey in the forest, the happiness I felt perished.

After that I promised myself to suppress that part of me, the part of me that made me. I had to deny who I was. Who was I kidding? The world isn't peaches and cream. I was a boy soon to be a man how could I abandon what a man is supposed to feel, think, do and act?

I was a boy who had to love girls, not boys. After inducing myself in that fact, I stopped being sensitive and hanging out with girls. I forced myself to play a sport, volleyball, I started making male friends only and eve kissed a couple girls along the way. My mom and Alastair seemed to notice my sudden change in behavior which led them asking if I was alright, but I never entertained their question. I always answered, what I knew they want to hear, better said what I was forcing myself to say, yes. I suppressed who I knew I wanted to be which made me unhappy so to escape my reality I submerged myself in books.

If only I was told at that time that trying to mold myself into being what people think a man is does not make you a man just as Macbeth thought killing King Duncan would make him a man to only be killed by his own regret and pride.

Jaromir folded a piece of the chapter he had left on. Closing the book and placing it on the white rounded nightstand, he looked up at the ceiling thinking about the first day of high school. He wants happy nor either was he dismal. If not, he didn't prize what he knew would happen. He'd act like the tuff joke, he'd master faking, get girls attention, be the popular guy he always seemed to fit in the frame of.

He turned to his black wired lamp and turned it off. Thinking about the boy who he had once saw as his world, deluged in a sweet sleep.

"Oh god Jaromir wake up your late for your first day." Jaromir's mom exclaimed historically while uncovering him from the blankets. Jaromir groaned getting up and rubbing his tired green eyes.

"Come on honey you have to hurry up."

He rolled his eyes and grabbed the green towel she had placed on his bed and headed toward the bathroom. After his cold shower he opened his small walking closet and slipped on his dark green and white striped joggers, a grey loosed shirt and his white branded snickers. Unbothered to comb his black jet hair, he grabbed his backpack and headed outside were his mom and Alastair were waiting.

He got in the expensive black car and they drove away.

I placed my elbow on the door and rested my chin on my palm.

"So, honey are you excited for your first day." My mom asked pushing her chocolate bangs from her face.

I shrugged not feeling the mood to answer.

"Son you should use your words when answering," Alastair sighed.

"You're not my dad so don't call me son," I barked only to process what I had said.

"Jaromir Aaren, apologize this instant," my mom said sternly but not loud.

"Sorry," I mumbled keeping my gaze on the window. It was hard sometimes to deal with me, but I never mean the things I say but for some reason it's an impulse that I had developed. As if being nice or vulnerable for a second would expose or emerge who I am and what I am and that thought alone scared me.

We had arrived at the entrance, "I love you honey hope you have an amazing day!" my mom chirped happily. "I'll be picking you up champ," Alastair said with a week smile.

"Whatever," I whispered getting out of the car and walking towards the door. I opened it and walked in. The halls were empty. I guess the school bell rang already. I walked down the hall.

"Don't worry I understand his health is a priority." I heard a man's voice say as I pass a halfway opened door.

"If Angel needs to skip Mr. Martinez class then don't worry, he already knows about his condition and I'm sure he'd be happy to give him whatever material he missed." I peek through the door and see what I'm assuming is the director of the school taking to a tall black- and grey-haired woman and a pale boy. The door squawks a little, but the adults didn't seem to notice. Suddenly the boy turns around and looks at me slightly in shocked but then dissolves in a weekly smile. I quickly step away and head to class, that because of the conversation I just witnessed, who I'm guessing its Mr. Martinez class?

I enter the room and interrupt what he was saying.

"Another tardiness and the semester haven't even begun," Mr. Martinez says with amusement but not enough to be a joke.

He right down a detention slip and I grab it rolling my eyes when suddenly at the back of the class something, no someone catches my eyes. I colorless haired boy with the most beautiful jaded eyes.

Jaded eyes...

I quickly sit down to the only sit left and to my luck it's in front of the boy. I look around and my eyes land on him again. He looks so much like... No, it can't be. But what if?

I turn my attention back to the teacher who seems to have given instructions to which I didn't pay attention.

Who what have thought that some were along the lines, the person who I passed in the hall that gave me a weak smile would help emerge the person who I had neglected for so long?

The question I asked myself in that moment wasn't How he did it? Or Why he did it? If not, the question was Am I ready?  

When Angels Flyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن