CHAPTER 16: Apology

Start from the beginning

Then he left the room without saying anything else and not apologising for his actions.


My own personal bathroom with a huge bathtub, check.

A queen size bed, check.

A small balcony which has the view of the huge ground surrounding the mansion, check.

Plan to jump from the balcony and run away, not check.

Bound to walk with crutches until I can walk properly without them, check.

My lips twisted as I looked down to my bandaged leg. Damn that monster to hell! After he left, the doctor came in and gave a long lecture of something I didn't understand and only heard the part of full bed rest and healthy diet then he left after giving me a pair of crutches to support my body with. I can't walk properly and it is all because of that monster Leonardo August-mini! He didn't even apologize for his actions. To hell with his apology because I'll never forgive him!

And after the doctor left, Rylie gave me a written scolding letter and Louisa stopped by, who was already having a bad mood and I had made it worse, but both the women were worried about me. Rylie couldn't sleep nor eat her dinner since I was passed out for a day and Louisa kept cursing in rapt Italian.

I stayed in the infirmary for a few more hours and now here I am, standing in alone in the small balcony, enjoying the fresh air and the view of the open grounds instead of laying on bed and resting.

"Fuck you Agostini." I muttered under my breath.

"You thinking about me?" I gasped in shock when I heard his voice. I looked beside me and saw him casually leaning by the railing.

"What—What are you doing here?!" I barked furiously. "Go away!"

He gave me a stink eye. "Why would I go out of my own room?"

I laughed pathetically. "Sorry mister, but this is my room."

"Of course it is your room and this is my room."

"Then what are you doing in my room, in my balcony?" I growled.

"Who said that I am in your room?" He asked, confusion laced on his face and pointed to the railing.

Huh? I looked at the railing and my blood drained from my face. You have got to be kidding me! There's hardly any space between two balconies. A small jump and the Agostini son will land on my room's balcony.

I made a mental note to strangle the architect of this mansion if I ever come across him.

I could feel the steam blowing out of my ears as the capo continued, "I like my privacy so I always make sure that the rooms on the other sides of mine are empty. I hurt your leg so I ordered to arrange one of the side to be yours for some time as there was no other empty room. I wanted this to be a part of my apol—"

I screamed. I screamed in anger, frustration and pain then limped my way back to my room, making sure to lock away the balcony for good and carefully made myself comfortable on the bed.

Then I heard a knock on the door.

"GO AWAY FROM ME!" I screamed at the door and covered my face with the blanket.

I screamed again when I heard the door break open. Fast footsteps approached in my direction and pulled away the covers from my body, but my grip was stronger.

"What the—Amy, what are you doing?" I peeked out and sighed in relief when I saw Adrian putting his gun back in his pants. "You scared me. I thought someone was harming you!"

"A-Adrian, he...he..." My leg was hurting and so was my head. I just wanted to curl myself up in the corner and cry to sleep, but can't even curl myself because my so-called new neighbour had shot me in the leg.

"I know, I know." I buried my face in his chest.

I kept crying and screaming about how much I hated his brother. Adrian didn't protest against it and kept whispering soothing words in my ears while the Agostini son was leaning by the door he had originally broken for him and his brother to barge in, kept staring at us with a blank look on his face.


It was night when I woke up alone in my bed. There was food kept for me on the table with a small note written by Rylie saying that to have my dinner as soon as I wake up. The door was repaired, the brothers were gone and I was not hungry.

With the help of the crutches, I walked to the bathroom, freshened myself and sat on the bed with my legs spread wide apart.

I was shot just above my knees and it was heavily bandaged, so I was not able to cross my legs, much to my annoyance.

I had to have my meds so I forcefully ate a spoon of pasta or two, my gaze fixed on the closed balcony and finally had them. I took my crutches and very carefully, I opened the balcony door. The cool breeze of the night hit my face in full force and I loved it.

"You should be sleeping, not that I care of." I heard capo's voice.

I don't want to think about him or what he did to me and I want to simply enjoy the night in silence, so I ignored him.

After a few minutes of silence, I heard him clear his throat. "Do you like your new living arrangements?"

With a heavy heart, I nodded.

"Okay, that's good. Did you take your medicines?"

I nodded again and kept my gaze straight ahead.

"Try not to add pressure on your legs by standing for a long time. The stitches can break and it woul—"

"Why do you care?" I snapped, still facing ahead.

"I don't." He answered, "But it is my fault that—"

I started laughing like a maniac. I swear something is really wrong with me when it comes to this man. "Is...Is that an apology I am hearing?"

"Um, si. I am sorry for shoo—"

"Guess what, Agostini?" I grinned as I faced him. He was already staring at me, wearing night shirt and pajamas, confused by the sudden changes of my behaviour.


My smile vanished and my eyes narrowed, a scowl forming on my face. "You can take your apology and shove it up to your ass because you're not forgiven and never will be."

"Oh, okay." He muttered and looked ahead.

I released a shaky breath and shivered as the night breeze blew past me. The Agostini son was still standing on his balcony and I continued to ignore him.

"You know," He began, "I really am sorry for shooting you. I was already having a bad day. It's not an everyday thing that you'll find me apologising for my actions."

My face remained impassive and I went inside, but stopped midway and faced him.

"Try to do some yoga and shit when you feel stressful instead of shooting innocent people." The capo looked at me in surprise. "It would do good to both the parties. Hope you have a troubling sleep and lots of nightmares, August-mini, and not have a very good night."

Then I went inside my room and had the most beautiful sleep ever in my queen size, super fluffy bed.

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