Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Standing at the place where it all began was… surreal, like the events that happened on that fateful night happened to another person, someone entirely different.

I stood cloaked in the shadows of the night, hidden to all but the ones like me. If Ethan found out I was out of the safety of the manor he would flip, but I needed to get out, it was just coincidence that I had ended up here. Okay who am I kidding, the sense of death pulled me to this spot, and the feeling of someone’s life about to come to an end was what drew me here. I am ashamed to admit it, but sometimes the call was a little overwhelming. I haven’t told anyone of my urges to kill, to reap and the guilt was killing me.

The Quickie Mart looked exactly the same, the same flashing neon sign proclaiming proudly to the world its identity, the same drab peeling paint and the same florescent light illuminating the interior. This place made me long for that time, long for normalcy, to live in the blissful ignorance that many humans lived in… or used to … long for anything other than what I have become.

It had been one year and eleven months since I had died and found out there was another world living side by side with ours. One that held balance of life and death sacred, but when Ethan, my now fiancé brought me back to life as a Dreamer it caused a domino effect, resulting to what was now this. An eternity of Death as one of the Horsemen of Apocalypse and doom for humanity as hell merged with the human plane.

Don’t get me wrong, life wasn’t sunshine and roses before, far from it. I was a marked person, by both the dead and the living. It was only six months ago that we had triumphed over the Horsemen Death, with me becoming the new Horsemen Death, but not before he had jump started the apocalypse and let a bunch of nasties from hell out to flood the land of the living.

Since then we have all been working our butts off to clean up D’s mess. I so much wanted to say I did it, I saved the world and got rid of the bad things, but I didn’t. How could I when the world blames me for all the discord, The Witch who brought about the apocalypse. That was why I wasn’t allowed out of the manor, why being here tonight was to be frowned upon, but what could be done to me? I was the horsemen death, keeper of life and death, freaking Queen of corps hill. Whoopdie-freaking-doo.

A man pulled up to the Quickie Mart and got out of his car, I moved further into the shadows even though I knew he couldn’t see me, but what can I say, old habit and all that.

The man glanced around, a crucifix around his neck as well as the stupid cloak that everyone seems to think made them invisible to the creatures that has been released from the under realm.

No one really leaves their home after night fall anymore, the evening football games that used to happen every Friday night stopped, the late night parties, the evening stores, all over, which was why I found this man being out passed curfew so strange.

I watched as he walked to the store, suspiciously gazing around him. The light of the store didn’t signal that it was open; it was to keep the inks away, the shadow beings that lived only in darkness.

The other things that the Horsemen Conquest had so politely mentioned all those months ago when she was giving a rundown of all the things I needed to put back in the hole called hell, was more than just the Inks, it was the whole freaking nightmare lot, tortured souls, monsters that belong only in books the whole nine yards and then some. The sad truth about this was that we hadn’t even made a dent in anything since I had taken over this Death gig.

We had started in our own backyard, Reaping the souls D had collected over I don’t know how many centuries, I guess since life itself and then branched out to the town, but it was pointless Reaping souls and helping those trapped, wouldn’t do much if we couldn’t even close the door that was letting everything out.

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