Chapter 13

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"A thank you would be nice." I said looking up at him as his hair gently blew in the wind.

He smiled down at me, and he had a heart stopping smile on him. It actually made my heart speed up just looking at it. This is the first expression he has shown other than neutral blankness. "Thank-"

"Dante, I will get the girl mark my words." Shouted Belial from behind us.

"Come on we need to keep moving." Dante said and looked around until he spotted an exit just a few feet away.

I inched out from under his protection and hurried towards the light, it was blindingly bright and before we stepped out I noticed a few carved symbols around the mouth of the exit but I didn't stop to study them and ran headlong into the light hoping that I wouldn't fall into another hole.


Chapter 13

Ethan's POV

"It has been days and she hasn't contacted me. Do you think she's okay? What if she's in some sort of danger?" I asked pacing the length of the war room.

"Ethan as I have said before, she'll contact you as soon as she can. Our conveniences of the world is no longer available so she might be having difficulty sending word. She is safe with Dante." Tommy said sounding exasperated.

"Like I don't know that. It doesn't help lessen the fear. She has gone to hell after all. A place I would never wish anyone to go." I said the last part to myself. Just thinking about hell brought a light sweat to coat my upper lip and a slight tremor throughout my body. Not to mention the thought of her in that place with only Dante to comfort her...

"Ethan I too have been to that desolate place and know the dangers but it is the only way."

"Yes I know, I just wish I could have gone with her instead of Angel boy."

"Dante can withstand hell for longer than any being that's not demon, your body can not withstand the-"

"Yes, yes I already know. It was a musing not an actual request." I said getting annoyed with Tommy, sometimes I really wished he had gotten out more and interacted with more humans instead of being this robot.

"Was there no female angel that could have taken her?"

"There is Azreal, but I have heard she is rather a stiff for the rules. You know she is the one that decree the fate of man. His birth and his death. I do not think she is a wise choice as we are her subjects and we had failed her. She would not take kindly to Our Lady horseman no matter if Violet was only Death for less than a year."

"I know who Azreal is, it was a rhetorical question." I said throwing my hands in the air.

"I do not understand why you are getting upset when I answer your questions. You do not say that it is a rhetorical question or musing before nor after you have expressed it." Tommy said confusion written on his face as he watched me pace.

I opened my mouth to explain how to be more human and that he needed to get out more when there was a knock on the door, a welcome reprieve for this conversation.


"Ethan we have visitors." Conner said his expression giving nothing away.

"Who is it?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2016 ⏰

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