How to know that im in Love?

Jinwoo decided to type that out in the search engine after hours of trying to find a suitable question.

After Google corrected his 'im' to 'i' m' he scrolled through the list of links and choose the first one.

Jinwoo knit his brows as he read the whole article.

"People who are truly in love tend. To focus on the posy qualities of their beloved, while overlooking his or her negative traits. They also focus on trivial event's and objects that remind them of their love one, daydreaming about these precious little moments. This focused attention is also thought to result from elevated levels of central dopamine, as well as a spike in central norepinephrine, a chemical associated with increased memory in the presence of new stimuli."


"What the fuck this supposed to mean???"

He groan at the use of all those. advance english words that was beyond his ability.

Jinwoo then moved on to other links and clicked the one that uses simple english, not knowing you can actually translate the whole page to Korean language.

"Seeing my girlfriend is always the highlight of my day. If you really love someone, you never truly get tired of him or her.

No matter how great your day might be going, your special person will make it better. When you just like someone, he or she might make your day better, but probably isn't the best part."

But these questions were based on the love for someone of the...

Opposite gender

These answers never actually catered to what he was actually looking for.

His hand nervously tapped the edge of the desk. He wasn't sure if he should type in the next question but at the same time, he needs to clarify this strange feeling he is having when he is with Jaemin.

How to know I'm in love with a guy?

Jinwoo tilt his head and thought for awhile before pressing the enter button. He doesn't know what is the form of the question he shout actually be asking.

But this is a simple as it can get.

"Some people may identify 'gay' as a different sexuality to what is given by this definition, for example a technically bisexual woman might identify as a exclusively gay because they have only ever had sex with the other women. Still, others believe that sexuality is a construct that is more or less forced on people through socialization. Whatever you believe, it's helpful to be clear on definitions, which are pretty much uncontested."

Jinwoy scratched his head. He thought that Google was suppose to fix everything. But it seems that his questions were left unanswered.

Now he has to find another search engine to do his school work

But still.

Jinwoo then randomly click on a few love tests and quizzes and silently hope that it would help him out a little bit.

The thing is, this is Jinwoo's first time encountering such situation. Being attracted to someone had never occurred to him.

All those BGR things don't matter to him at all.

And now when he is with Jaemin, it felt different.

No one makes him feel like there's butterflies in his tummy or a rapid heart beat as if he just ran 10 km.

No one has ever done that but now, when he is always hanging out with Jaemin, he felt them. A lot.

Which is strange.

This IS ALL STRANGE to Jinwoo because he doesn't know  how to react.

He thought that maybe he was hungry or that he was just sleepy.

But all this unexplained emotions happen whenever he is with Jaemin.

Which made him think,

"Am I possibly in love?"

"But with a guy???"

"And how?"

He doesn't want to mistook this feeling for love.

He thinks that maybe because Jaemin showed care and empathy, he felt closer to him. And he felt that he can rely on him.

Maybe it's just that.

And not love.

But that assumption didn't sound convincing at all.

"Oh God Jaemin what have you done to me?"

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