Chapter one: After the Ceremony

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This takes place a few hours after the ceremony of Kion becoming king of the tree of life. Most of the group have left home, except Simba, Kiara and, Kovo. the lion guard are tired and are bout to turn in for the night. Simba, Karia and Kovo is staying at the tree for the night. Kion is with Rani and the night pride and starting their portal. Kiara and Simba is proud of Kion becoming king but Kovo is lost in his mind. Kiara wished she could become queen but she knows she need a lot of training before becoming one, Simba turns in for the night and Kiara start to look for Kion,

Kion starts walking with Rani up a hill wanting to show his grandfather to her, He told her to look up into the sky. while she looks up, clouds start spinning around and Mufasa appears in the middle, Rani looks at him, is that your grandfather, Rani says, yes he is, Rani takes a look at Mufasa before he disappears into the clouds smiling, Kion started to walk back to the tree, Rani stayed at the hill looking at the stars, before Kion entered the tree, Kiara pounced on Kion, hey Kiara, he said, hey Kion. Kiara gives Kion a big hug, they talked for a few minutes before Rani came back, Rani asked what going on, Kion told her we were just talking, ok I am going to turn in for now, the night pride should be starting their patrol soon she walks in the tree yawning, Kiara says goodnight to Kion before leaving him be, Simba goes in the tree and turns in for the night,

The next morning, the lion guard woke up Kion, he walks out of the tree with Simba at the entrance, I got to go back to the pride lands. Kion gives Simba a hug, you will come visit us right? Simba says yes, Simba leaves with Kiara and Kovo. Fuli runs over to Kion, Hey Fuli, Kion, We have a leopard entering the forest, Kion runs over to see what is going on, He thought that Makucha came back, it wasn't him, the rest of the lion guard start to follow Kion.

Rani wakes up the tree. yawning but not wanting to get up, Makini came in to the tree, told her their is a leopard that has entered the pass, she knows it wasn't Makucha, she know Kion thrown him far away, Kion see the leopard and he realized it was a different leopard. The leopard looked nice and wanted peace, he says he has been attacked by strange lions not far from here. Kion looks at him and he was hurt a little and he was limping, Kion asked him what did they look like, the leopard said he couldn't get a good detail of his face, Rani shows up asked what going on, who are you, The leopard said he didn't feel conferrable saying his name. Rani noticed that he was limping on his right back leg, she asked if he was okay, he says I be fine, I'll jus, What happened to you, Kion says strange lions attacked him, Rani took him to the tree,

Fuli decided to look for Azzad. Ono and Anga flew off. Ono started to have some droughts about the leopard, O\Anga notices Ono and asked him what's going on, Ono says strange lions attacking, leopard randomly came in seems suspicious, Anga started to notice. should we tell them, she said, Ono said not yet, I don't want to excuse him of something he didn't do.

At the tree, Rani takes a look and the leopards leg, I need to bring Nirmala, she leaved the tree but Kion stays, he asked the leopard are you sure you didn't see the lions attacking you, he still has no idea what they look like, Rani came back in with Nirmala, she take a look at the leopards leg, she says isn't broken and should heal on it own. The leopard asked if he could stay here for a few says as he heals, Rani says yes as long as you respect the circle of life. Sabor is my name, the leopard says, welcome to the tree of life Sabor I'll show you around as Rani walks out with him, Kion asked could I follow, Yes you can Kion, Sabor asked what the mark on both Kion and Rani, Rani answered that is the mark of out leadership. Sabor though it was cool.

Back to Ono and Anga, Ono looks down and sees Sabor with Rani and Kion keeping a good eye on him, (Ono doesn't trust Sabor at the moment). I am going to fly around the land to see if everything is going okay. Ono didn't even noticed Anga leaving.

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