4: Fierce and Cold-blooded

Start from the beginning

"So, you're the ones behind all this mess?" He asked calmly.

One of the men opened his mouth to answer but stopped abruptly when Devonte raised his hand.

"Before you answer, I'd be careful what you say to me. A liar is one thing I will not tolerate so if I figure out you've lied to me, it won't just be you that pays, the others will too." He looked each of them dead in the eye before focusing in on the one that went to speak beforehand. "So were you or were you not behind all of this mess?"

"Y-yes s-s-sir."


Two of the men yelled out at the same time. Devonte looked from each of them with amusement lingering on his face. They'd clearly just fucked up, but which one was the liar? He chuckled and walked right up to the two, disregarding the other for now. He studied the one who'd said no before shrugging and moving to the one who'd stuttered out yes.

"Are you sure about your answer?"


"Really?" Devonte mused and in and instant he'd gripped the man's hair, pulled his head back and pressed a knife to his throat. "You know what I think..I think that you're lying to me and I specifically said that I don't tolerate liars. I think that the three of you are the puppets in whatever plan your boss has created. Now that just leads me to ask, who's your boss?"

"N-no one! It's just us!"

"Wrong answer."

The man was shocked and confused when Devonte released him from his grip and wondered off into the darkness. He thought he'd been spared when all of a sudden Devonte came marching back with a clamp, some tongs and gasoline. The man let out a scream and tried to shake himself free when Devonte gripped his chin, forcing his mouth open and securing it like that with the clamp. He then gripped the tongs and forcefully grabbed the man's tongue with them. The other two, along with Devonte's workers who stood in the darkness watched in horror as the man had his tongue viciously cut out, his piercing screams bouncing off the walls.

"How dare you fucking lie to me!" Devonte snapped as he watched blood fill the man's mouth. "I warned you not to do that and now you have suffered the consequences."

This was the extreme dark side of a man so cold and ruthless.

"Now you!" He pointed to the man who'd said no. "Talk before you get the same fate, I'm done playing these games!"

"We're not the masterminds behind it but we don't know the boss sir, we've only ever spoken with him on the phone. He's never shown his face. He pays us money to do his dirty work."

"So where's all my product gone and the money?"

"I swear to you, I don't know. We were never allowed to see that. We simply do whatever the order is to do and then carrying on with life."

Devonte was good at reading people and he knew that this man wasn't lying. Plus there had been some evidence that had suggested the same story, so he knew this was indeed the truth. He nodded his head and pulled out his pistol. He quickly loaded it before firing two shots - one into each remaining man's skull.

"Thanks for the info." He laughed devilishly before turning to his workers. "Clean this shit up and make sure this one here dies slow."

"Yes boss."

_ _ _

Devonte Wilson

I got into my car and took a drive through the city to clear my head. A lot has gone on and I still have a lot to process and figure out. This business is definitely taking its toll on me right now but it's nothing I can't handle. I'll figure it all out eventually and hopefully that will be somewhere in the very neat future. I'd just come to a res light when my phone started ringing. I had the right kind to throw the damn thing out the window but when I saw who it was, I knew I couldn't do that. In fact this would be the perfect person to lift my spirits.



Don't judge our nicknames for each other!

"Why did I have to find out from Jordan that you've been here for a whole month yet you haven't hit me up? What kind of shit is that Von?!"

I laughed. "Alexis quit it, I'm here on business and it's kept me tied up this entire time. You know how it is."


"I'm serious fool!"

"Are you busy now?"

I just know her ass is smiling on the other side of this phone, of course she knows I'm not busy if I'm talking to her.

"Nah, why?"

"My college just let out and I'm bored! Let's hang out like old times Slink. I'll even make that popcorn bowl you love and my Mac and cheese if I have to."

"Aight bet. Columbia right?"

"Mmhmm, only the best."

"On my way."

Chunky aka Alexis is my cousin. We were pretty close growing up until she moved out here. We of course kept in contact but not as much as we probably should, but I'll take full responsibility on that one. Our bond has never changed though. She's still my Chunk and I'm still her Slink; we got each other for life. 




Questions + Responses:

Lets welcome Roman to the story 😊

Thoughts on him as of right now?

Gianna is truly on a mission..will she succeed?

Holy fuck, Mr Wilson is ruthless!! Cold-blooded 💯

Chunky and Slinky 🤣

Bet you weren't expecting Alexis and Devonte to be cousins lol..

Vote, comment & share 😁✌

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