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The sharp pain . . . It keep hurting you nonstop. It keep stabbing you and it feels like it keep twisting you inside which make you clutches tighter onto your shirt. When you lift your head, your visions get blurry which makes you slowly whimpers and shake your head to each sides.

Then, you can't feel anything no more. You hands, your body and your legs . . . They all gave up which makes you to collapsed on the ground. You slowly feel your body hit the hard surface making yourself held your hand tight onto your chest.

“Y/N!” that's the last thing you heard who you confirmed to be Jinwoo's voice.

Then slowly, your vision get darker before you fully blacked out there.

|_________________ ❇ ________________|


I was standing behind the spot Y/N was standing before she started to collapsed. I was about to catch her but Jinwoo did it a bit faster than me.

“This is all your fault, Chan!” he yelled before placing Y/N's head on his arm as he put one of her arm around his neck so he can picked her up bridal styles. Then, he started to ran all the way somewhere which make me to go and trailed along.

He brought her off to her house before placing her down on the couch. Then, he seems to rushed off to get something which when he came back again, he brought a thick blanket with him and covered it up on her.

Then, he pulled out his phone and called someone which is Jisung and Changbin. Welp, I can read people by their lips movement tho and didn't mean to sounds like gay if you think that way.

Then, it tooks a few minutes for both of them to arrived and rushed off inside after Jinwoo left. They immediately dropped themselves in front of the couch she was at and caressed her face before softly plant a kiss on her forehead.

But the problem is, once they planted soft kisses on her forehead, my wrist feels hurt as a sharp tiny pain stabbed through my veins. I just ignored the pain and instead, focusing my attention on her. I don't even know why did I worry yet feel bad for kissing that girl.

I mean duh, I didn't even feel anything towards the girl since after I met her on the first day Jerome and Donggeon brought her as Kyungho, Chihoon, J.You and Woonggi introduced her to us four. I know I act like I don't even like her but deep inside, I feel something blooming inside me after I knew her.

I feel really guilty for my actions towards her and I hope that I'll have a chance to seek an apology from her.

I decided to stay there until morning came where I'm gonna took a good care of her after what I did to her just now. The lights inside the house all switch off and it's time for me to take a nice sleep for tomorrow. Slowly, I closed my eyes after muttering a ‘goodnight’.

|_________________ ❇ ________________|

Time Skip : Tuesday « 06:20 a.m »

Slowly, I opened my eyes and it's get brighter a bit when I suddenly realised that I should apologize and took a good care of her. When I looked inside, those two seems like they've left the house of hers earlier than I thought.

I slowly head off towards the main door and pushed the door opened only to be greeted with comfy yet neat living room and some couches there.

I head inside and look after her while looking around. After a few seconds of walking, I finally found her and she was laying on the couch with her pale skin.

I slowly head towards her and stand by the couch while observing her. Then, I bravely reached my hand towards her head which makes me flinched. Her skin . . . It's pale and . . . Cold as ice . . .

I slowly reached my hand again and brushed off those hair that cover her face up. I instantly regret it. Nah just joking, cause she is fucking beautiful!

Then I reached for her hands and held it in mine, heating it up since it's freezing. I sat at the edge of the couch and caressed her cheeks which makes something shine through her chest. It was a red bright light forming on her chest area which makes her whimper with her scrunched up face.

She seems to be in such a painful pain. For real tho, I don't even know why did I still hang out with that slut when she was this beautiful. I sighed and looked down when a sudden voice shocked me.

“What are you doing here, Chan?” I immediately looks towards the owner of the voice and it was Changbin with his darkened eyes. “I-I was-”

“Save it, Chan. Now I want you to leave this house and leave her alone. You guys hurt her too much already.”

I was speechless by his words and he titled his head to the other side while waiting for me to answer. “I don't want to. Let me stay and protect her this times.”

He scoffed and rolled his eyes before sharply inhaled, “I can't trust you guys no more, Chan. Just let her go and we'll took a good care of her instead.”

I shake my head and then plead him while kneeling on the floor with my hands claps together, “Please Changbin! Just this time and we won't do it again!”

He looked away and while I still kneeled and keep on begging him so that I can stay with her, “Please Changbin!” I said while keep on repeating the same sentences.

He placed his hands on his hips while sighing before staring at me who was still kneeling on the floor as tears escaped my eyes and rolled down my cheeks. He blinked his eyes and then gulped before slowly lifting his hands in defense.

“Okay fine, I'll let you took care of her.”

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