chapter 10

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Hi guys, its january 7th lol I took a month to write a new chapter i suck :( btw my birthday is 7 days ago (yes my birthday is on january 1st) btw, this year is my last year of school. i'm a senior woohooo it feels so great and feels so sucks bc im going to get stressed out bc of study and grades and tuitions and homeworks and all stuffs that is related. by the way i wanna thank u people if you put my story into ur library (although you never vote and comment) you r da real mvp. and to those people who voted (bless u son) im so happy that some people reads my story even though my grammar is trash and my story is trash lol. im sorry for writing this shitty essay lol ok here's the TENTH CHAPTER WOO


Chapter TEN


Kirstie's POV

I'm so hyped. My best friend is getting a baby girl and I am so gonna make a baby shower with the help of my other friend. I grab my sketching book and my small pencil case and put it in my bag. I shove my iPod and earphone together in my bag too. I check my outfit in the mirror. A cute pink pastel dress. Yup, I'm okay. Hurriedly, I grab my bag and car keys and drove away to Jess's penthouse.

As soon as I arrived I saw her kissing a guy in a car—she wasn't in a car, he's leaving. She smiled and waved him and he drove off. "Someone's happy," I said. She flinched at my sudden appearance and laughed. "You shocked me" she put her hand on her chest. "Come on let us discuss about your friend's baby shower" she held my wrist and pull me into the elevator, going up to her apartment.

"Who is he," I said as soon as the elevator door closed. Going up. "It's my friend" she smiled. "Friend or friend with benefits?" I elbowed her arm playfully. She blushed. "Oh stop it" she walks away once the elevator stopped.


"So you're suggesting the garden?" she asked while scribbling notes on her notebook. I nodded and google some pretty gardens that available in LA. "Here some suggestions. Which location do you think perfect for the party?" I asked, showing her the laptop screen. "This is perfect," Jess said, clapping her hands. She scribbled more notes on her book. I google more detail for the owner of the location and I found the owner's phone number. I grab my phone from my bag and dialed the number.

"Hello? Is this Mrs. Grey?" I greeted. "Yes, this is she" she replied. "Hi, I'm Kirstie. I'm sorry for bothering you but can I rent the garden for a day?" I asked. She flips the pages from a book—probably looking for the renting dates or something. "I don't know. It's kinda full for this week. When are you going to have your party?" she asked.

"Next Sunday" I replied shortly. She flips the pages and chuckled. "Good choice, dear" She replied. I exhaled. "So how much should I pay?" I asked. We discuss more about the garden renting and the price and stuff.

"Okay, thanks, Mrs. Grey. Nice talking to you" I ended the call. "So?" Jess asked. "I got the place" I grinned. "I'm ordering the cupcake, party banners, candies, kinds of stuff. You can handle the invitation? I don't know her very well" she said everything from her notebook. I nodded. "I'll take care of the invitations too. Aw Jess, you're so sweet" I hugged her and she hugs me back. I unembraced her and take a glance at the clock. "Shit. I'm going to be late" I hurriedly put my notebook back into my bag and kiss her cheek. "Call you later, babe" she waved. I grab my car keys and left.

I stood in front of the elevator, waiting for it to open. Once it's open, I went inside and press the G button. It took about 30 seconds to reach the ground floor. Once the door opens, revealing a familiar face. He smiled at me. "Hold up" I stopped his track. He furrowed his eyebrows. "Are you Naomi's boyfriend?" I asked. He chuckled. "Boyfriend? Whatever you want to call me, I accept and yes I am his. Name is Mason" he offered his hand for a handshake. I accept and blushed. "What are you doing here. Do you live here" he asked. I shook my head immediately.

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