chapter 2

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My friend asked about my wattpad user. I wont tell you!!!!!! Hahahahahahha but if you found me congratulations.



Chapter TWO - The Truth Revealed


Naomi Winters

I woke up from feeling thirsty. I groaned and look around. "Wait..this isn't plane. This isn't home. This isn't cab. Maybe the cab driver drugged me and drive me to his home and rape me. But I didn't remember getting into a cab." My head starts to drive wild when I looked at my bed. This looks like hospital. Oh no did I got into an aborti-

"Hey Naoms" he greeted. I looked at him confused. What did he do here? "What are you doing here? Where am I? You're not gonna rape me are you?" I bring my knees to my chest, folding myself. When he grabs my wrist, I slapped his hand. He chuckled "You're at the hospital, pumpkin. You passed out at the airport. Luckily I was there"

"What? I passed out?!" I shocked. He handed me a glass of water and adjusting my pillow so I can sit straight. "Yeah you did and you looked pale. That doesn't matter since you're okay now. Let's worry about the baby" he said and I tensed. He walked towards me and smiled at my stomach and touched them gently "You must be shocked that you're momma fainted. Momma's bad girl right. Aw you're going to grow up and become as beautiful as your momma" he played with my stomach. I became speechless. He looked into my eyes and smiled.

"Yes I did know about your baby. The doctor told me. He said the baby's okay" he explained and patted my head. Suddenly, I remembered about my parents. Shit. How am I going to tell them? I started to cry again when Mason wipe my tears with his thumb. "Shhh its going to be okay" he calmed me down. "Its not going to be okay. You don't understand my problem. You're just a stranger" I pushed his hand away from my face and wipe my tears myself.

"Make me," he said as he sat on the bed facing me. "Make you what?" I asked dumbly. "Make me understand your problem. I'm a very good listener, you know" he popped his invisible collar. I smiled dryly and take a deep breath. Here goes nothing.


Here I am, sitting in the ice cream parlor with this mysterious guy I met on my way back here. I'm trying to explain to him about what happened to me.  Before that, I asked him to buy a chocolate milkshake. Baby craving maybe.

"Okay, enough. Now tell me" he said, licking a spoonful of pistachios ice cream. "Well, back in the campus, I met this guy. His name is Drew. He's my ex-boyfriend, very charming. So one day.." I started to explain


I sat in my dorm room trying to study when my best friend, Cassie burst into my room. "Hey what are you doing," she said cheerfully while jumping on my bed. "Geez Cassie. Studying duh" I said, my eyes are still traveling my world history textbook. I heard her snorted "Booooringgg. There's a party. Wanna go?" she asked while fixing her bright red lipstick. "I am studying Cassie" I started to get pissed off. "Pleaaaaseeee, Drew's going to be there" she winked. She knew my weakness. Drew Hamilton, the most handsome guy on the campus, very charming, friendly, cute, and the most important thing is, he is my boyfriend. I slammed my textbook closed and Cassie smirked. "I'll help you find the perfect dress" she squealed.


I looked at my reflection in the mirror, straightened hair with a red strapless dress that ends above my knee. "No panties" Cassie warned. I looked at her shocked. "But it was October!! I don't want to get freeze to death" I joked. She giggled "I'll make sure Drew will keep it warm for you" she winked and I blushed. "Come on, we don't want Drew to find a girl already right" she grabbed my arms and drove us to the party.

We arrived and Cassie already smoked 4 cigarettes. I step out of the car and looked around. Red cups everywhere, music blasting, people passed out on the lawn, making out, typical party. I pulled my dress hoping it will grow longer.

It won't grow longer you stupid idiot

I just feel uncomfortable you stupid head

Just go inside and find Drew you're crush

Shut up head, I know what to do

Should I get drunk?

No. Yes! No. Yes!

Fuck off heart

I shook my head and walked inside. I saw Cassie already dancing and drunk. I don't think she's drunk, I think she's acting like it. I smiled at her and walk to the bar. "Coke please" I ordered. The bartender nodded and someone stands beside me. "Coke? No coke, Vodka" he changed my order and slipped something to the bartender. I noticed it at the corner of my eye but I didn't put to much attention to it as I looked at Drew. I smirked at Drew and he winked. "You look beautiful as always" I blushed and put my hands on his hard chest. "You're handsome as always" I compliment and he smirked. "2 vodkas" the bartender gestured our drinks. I nodded thank you and he left.

We clinked our glasses and drink. I felt the hot liquid burning my throat. I ignored the feels and smiled smugly at Drew. "Wanna dance?" he asked and I nodded. He intertwines our fingers and went to the dance floor. Is it just me or one drink of vodka makes you feel woozy. I began to dance like crazy with Drew in front of me. Suddenly I trip over nothing. SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?!? I fall on top of Drew and I laughed like a maniac. He must don't wanna talk to me after this and whole campus will know me as "trippy-naomi" or "Naomi-the-maniac-girl".

I keep laughing as Drew tried to stand up. He pulled my hand and I can't stand straight. I let my head fell on his shoulder and he bring me upstairs. I keep laughing and mumbled about ramen noodles. I saw a couple of guys in the room. Drew let me fall on the bed while he greet those guys.

"Hey I did it" Drew smiled. "Good, prepare the cameras guys. Drew about to win the game" the random guy said and they circled the bed. "Hey babe" Drew asked. "hmmm" I replied drunkly. "You're a virgin, right?" he asked and I laughed and nodded. "yeah and shhh" I put my index finger on his lips. "Don't tell Drew" I said and the guys laughed. I feel my skirt lifted up and something went inside of me. "umpfh" I gasp for air. "Naomi is tight" Drew said to his friend. He began his move. "Make it stop make it stop" I begged as tears began to show in my eyes. He moaned and the guys whistled and growl. He rocked me back and forth and I can't breathe and I let out a moan. "This is hurtful. You're.. big" I cried. "you like it babe" he smiled.

"yeaah ah" I tried to push him away but I can't. After felt like half an hour, Cassie burst into the room and screamed. "Noo Drew stop it you're hurting her" She cried. He smiled as something warm ran into me. He laughed "It's done already" he winked. The guys were laughing also and stop recording. Cassie ran to me and hugged me.

"I'm sorry it's my fault dragging you here" she cried and I sobbed. Yup. I just got raped by my crush. Should I be happy? No, I shouldn't he raped me because of stupid "Steal her virginity" game. He did not made love with me like I wanted to. He raped me senseless. He did that not because he love me but it was all just for fun.


"And here's the baby," I said as I patted my stomach and I wipe my tears.


A/N : Its pretty long. Heheh I had this sudden rush tons of ideas running in my head. Please vote + comment. Means a lot. 

P/S: I thought i wanna use the "steal her virginity" as "virginity game" from the story in wattpad but idk. I wanna create it myself :B

PP/S: I already made my mind who's going to be Naomi and it issss.... DRUM ROLL PLEASE


EMMA ROBERTS!! I watched American Horror Story and I fell inlove with her. So pretty *-*

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