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A/N: Trigger warning for slight self hate and mentioning of self harm, note that self harm will be bold and underlined for those who do not wish to read and look at it, I am sorry I hope you still enjoy the chapter despite it

Marinette giggles as she twirls in front of the mirror in her room. She had worked so hard to be able to wear this to school today. The girl giggled at the memory of waking up in Chat's arms the morning prior. She looked up at her ceiling and smiled happily. The moment he left she had scrambled to find her sketchbook, quickly flipping the the page that had had a style war left unresolved, at least, it wasn't resolved until then. Marinette flipped the page and re-sketched the dress and bag and pants along with adding a whole new assortment of accessories and clothing items until she was met with her starry sky looking right up at her instead of over her. She had worked well into the night, turning Chat away when he tried to come over to cuddle. She had told him she was working on a very important project and she could not be distracted, which was true.

It was very important to her, to finish these clothes for herself and for him. She spent the entire day and night sewing and measuring, and in her haste and excitement she had even pricked her fingers a few times. They now had band-aids covering the little pokes from her sewing needles. She had argued with herself all morning about what she should wear out of the collection meant just for her and her kitty, she giggled once more at the memory of the suspicious and amused look he had given her when she turned him away with a valuable, but unexplained, excuse.

Even now the boy was curious about what his princess was up to and couldn't wait to see her again. He had went out a bought a new phone when she refused to let him keep her company for the night. He had went around Paris looking for where his friend Max would be, and after a few seconds of online "stalking", really just getting onto Kim's Instagram after remembering that Max didn't have one, he found out that Max was with Kim at a new arcade that had been installed. He got there rather quickly after doing a once around look of Paris just to make sure nothing nefarious was going on and sneaked in through an employees only entrance.

It didn't take him long to find his school friend as he weaved in and out of the shadows and hid from people that passed by him. Max was dominating everyone at Mecha Strike Three and had just finished a round when Chat moved out of the shadows. "Mind if I try against you?" He asked with a smile as everyone blanched and stumbled for words. If he couldn't spend time with his princess then why not spend a little time having fun, besides, he thought, if anyone is going to get akumatized it would be here, he noticed all of the angry looking people, they all probably got beat and were too salty or angered by Kim's boasting voice about how Max was the best to leave or calm down.

"S-sure, come sit down." Max said, patting the empty seat next to him as people began to take out their phones and record or live-stream. They got into it immediately, some friendly banter going between them, making everyone whoop and cheer when one or the other got an advantage over one or the other. They hadn't been playing for more than ten minutes, which was the longest he'd ever held out against Max, when Max got him locked in a combo loop and finally finished the poor superhero off. Chat gave him a grin and a high five before helping him stand up. "That was really fun Max," he says and Max nods. "Hey, why don't you give everyone else a turn, I think some of them have been waiting a while," Chat says and points to a group of people who immediately rush to play.

"Ah yes, you're right." Max says, pushing his glasses back up his nose as Kim raced up to him and threw an arm around the smaller teen's shoulders. "You were awesome out there Max!" He shouted out with a smile, Max thanked him and returned his attention to the superhero who stood before them. "So I assume you didn't just come here to play video games?" Max asked as Chat looked back around, glad to see that everyone returned to being happy and having fun. "Yeah you're right, I am actually here for you," He says, keeping his eyes sweeping over the crowd one final time, wishing that he was there with Marinette before returning his eyes to the boys in front of him.

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