Not So Hot Date

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Later that night - Norah's POV

I picked up the phone and called Valerie to let her know the party's on.

"Hello?" She said on the other end.

"Hi, It's me. I just wanted to let you know that the party is on. I told Darry that's it's only gonna be us and the guys there." I told her.

"Oh, thank you so much Nor!" She said and hung up.

Ponyboy's POV

I stood outside of Valerie's house. We were going on our second date and I was thrilled. I've never felt like this, all jittery and happy.

She opened her front door and she looked.. wow. I was speechless.

 I was speechless

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"You look great." I told her. She wrapped her arms around me and gave me a kiss.

"I hope so. I cannot believe how much money I spent on shopping today." She said as we head on out to the truck. Darry lent it to me after I begged him.

"I saw this great movie last night-" I was cut off by Valerie.

"I must've gone to every single store in the city. I must've walked at least ten miles. And then I found the most darling boutique you've ever seen in your life, actually that's where I got these gloves." She said as I opened the door for her so she could get in. And I walk to the drivers side and drove off.

And of course, she continued talking.

"But they had the most darling accessories and jewelry you would die for. These earrings I saw came down to about here with rhinestones and pearls, I should've gotten them. I think I'll go back for them."

She kept talking the whole ride, the restaurant was on the outskirts of town so it's gonna be a long ride.

"But then I went to 'I magnins' I mean they have absolutely everything, and I bought the greatest dress. God, it's so beautiful. It's got all this taffeta with little pleats, comes down to right about here. The shoes were the killer took me forever to find a pair that would go with it."

Man, this girl can talk. I hope I don't fall asleep while driving.

"I went to capezio's, jourdans, bullocks and then I finally found these at henshaws." She lifts her feet up and put them on the dashboard and shows me her shoes. "And they go with everything, just about."

I finally spoke up, "those are great. I love that top."

She points to her top, "oh, this old thing. I got this weeks ago. Boy, was that day unbelievable. Must've walked fifteen miles that day."

Thank god! We finally arrived to the restaurant. I put the truck in park and open her door so she could get out and we head on in and find a table.

The waiter came by and took our order, and this girl just kept going. At this point, I was bored outta my mind.

"There's a lot more to shopping than just going out and buying stuff. I mean, not only do you have to know where to go, but you have to know when to go. Day after Christmas is the best day of the whole year and that's when you get all the best deals. You can get a whole new wardrobe for half price. Last year I-"

I look around the restaurant and I spot Norah walking in, heading to the bar to sit down. She saw me and I waved at her and she ignored me. I wonder what's up with her.

"Who is it?" Valerie said and she turned around and saw Norah.

"Now, take Norah, for instance. I like Norah a lot, don't get me wrong, but she doesn't know the first thing about clothes." She said. I think Norah has great style, she can go from laid back to boho chić.

"I mean she could be so much more attractive, if she just paid a little more attention to what she wore. Boy, I am so hungry. I must've walked twenty miles today." She said, downing her food so fast. I was already done because I wasn't talking like her, I could barely get a word in.

"Well, they say food is a substitute for lack of sex." I said, hoping she would catch my flirting, but it was no success.

"Did you see 'doctor Zhivago' last night?" She asked. Finally! Something I can talk about.

"Yeah! That was the movie I saw. I love the part where rob Steiger -" and once again, I was cut off by Valerie.

"It was the best ever. I mean, Julie Christie's clothes are un-" she was cut off by spaghetti falling on her lap, on her clothes. She stood up and yelled.

"Fuck! Shit! Goddamn it! Fucking shit! This is my brand new clothes and I cannot fucking believe I did this. Fucking shit! I have to go to the bathroom, would you get me some club soda?" She said, as she rushes to the bathroom, still cursing her way there.

I walk up to the bar, where Norah was and ordered a club soda.

"What happened with Valerie?" She asked me.

"She spilled spaghetti on her 'New clothes'" I told her.

"What a tragedy." She said sarcastically.

"No kidding." The waiter came back with the club soda.

"Fifty cents." I grab my wallet to take the money out, but my wallet is empty. I must've forgot to put it in my wallet before I left the house.

"Aw shit! Norah, can I borrow some money, please?" She rolled her eyes and took out money from her pocket.


"Thanks, I'll pay you back. I promise."

"Forget it, Pony." She hops off the stool and head to the exit. Seriously, what's her deal?

"See you Saturday." I told her. I walk up to the ladies bathroom, and see a girl standing outside.

"Hi, excuse me. Could you do me a favor? Did you see a girl go in there with a stain on her clothes?"

"Where's the goddamn club soda?" I hear Val yell.


As I pull up in Val's driveway, I park the truck and opened her side.

"I'm sorry, Pony. I guess I wasn't much fun tonight." She apologizes, as I walk her up to her front door.

"No it's okay, I had a lot of fun." I reassured her.

"I'll make it up to you on your birthday." She pulled me to her, and kissed me.

"I promise." She said as she went in her house.

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