The Messenger Pt. 2

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At Dingos - Norah's POV

Ponyboy handed me his letter.

"Writing this thing took forever." He told me, sounding exhausted.

"Sounds like it did." We laughed.

"Pony, I need to tell you something.." I was hesitant in telling him about Juilliard, I'm scared to see how he's gonna react.

"What is it Nor?" He asked, concerned. He held my hand in the process.

"Remember that summer music program I applied to months ago?" He nodded, signaling me to continue.

"Well I got in." He was stunned, with a hint of sadness.

"That's.. great Nor. I'm proud of you. Uh, when do you leave?" He asked me, I put my head down.

"The day after your birthday." I said softly, but loud enough for him to hear me.

Silence filled the air between us and he let go of my hand and leaned back in the booth. The silence soon ended when the waiter came by.

"Ready to order?" He asked. I looked at the waiter and nodded.

"I'll have a clubhouse sandwich and a Pepsi." I told him, "what about you Pone?" He was still speechless by the information I just told him.

"I'll just come back later." He said and left to give the cook my order.

Pony's hands was on the table so I leaned forward and grasp it to get his attention.

"Pony?" I said. He looked at me.

"I can't ask you to stay, can I?" He said. I shook my head.

"I'm sorry Pone, but I'm going. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me and you can't be selfish and tell me to stay because you don't want me to go." I said raising my voice a little, removing my hand from his. I thought he would be more supportive about this.

The waiter came back with my order, but I lost my appetite. I pushed my plate away from me.

"So, when are you gonna give this thing to her? Are you gonna give it to her tonight?" He asked, changing the subject. I can't believe him.

I shrugged. Not in the mood to talk to him, about the letter, or about Valerie.

"I know it's a long shot, but if this letter thing does work out and I do get to go out with Valerie, how do you think I should handle it?" He asked me. Handle what?

"Handle what?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"C'mon Nor, she's with Noah Williams. She's gonna expect something from me." I laughed a little.

"Pony, are you saying that you don't know what to do?" I asked in a teasing way.

"No, no. I know what to do, I just don't wanna do too much. Then again, I don't wanna do too little. I want to do what she expects me to do."

"I think you should just let these things happen naturally. I believe that if it's meant to happen between two people, then it'll happen. You can't push it." I said, trying to get him to understand.

"You're right. Look, can I tell you something. But you gotta promise not to tell anyone, not even the guys for revenge or anything." I nodded and his cheeks became bright red in embarrassment?

"If we have to be technical with things.. I've never done it." He said hiding his face. I just stare at him.

Wait a minute.

"Oh come on, what about you and Cherry Valance?"

"What about me and Cherry Valance?" He questioned.

"That time I caught you guys in your bedroom. You both was in the middle of putting your guys clothes on when I barged in. And then told me the next day at school that you guys had sex in your room." I told him.

"Well, all we did was make out and she took off her shirt then told me it was a dare, but couldn't go through with it." He said rolling his eyes. Wow, that broad has some guts.

"Well since we're confessing here.. I've never done it either." He laughed at me.

"Whats so funny?" I sassed him.

"Oh c'mon Nor, you know Dally is a big mouth."

"We went out for a couple months, all we did was make out." I told him, but he didn't seem to believe me.

"Well according to Dally, it wasn't the quantity of time you spent together, it was the quality. Apparently, it was pretty high grade stuff." He said, emphasizing the quality of time.

"What exactly did he say?" I asked him.

"C'mon Nor, that's between you and Dal, it's none of my business." He told me. I grabbed his letter attempting to rip it in half.

"Well apparently, it is your business and the gang as well."

"Norah, no."

"What did he say Pone?"

"He just said you guys kissed and stuff?" He said, trying to grab the letter but I stretched my arm so he couldn't reach for it.

"His exact words, Ponyboy Michael Curtis!" He gave me a scared look. He knows when I say his full name, I mean business.

"He said you boffed his brains out at bucks." I can't BELIEVE Dally said that to the gang, he's gonna get it from me.

I stood up and left money on the table and stormed out the diner.

"Norah, where are you going?" I heard Pony faintly say behind me.

I'm coming for ya Dallas Winston, run.

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