Chapter 33

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Veronica and Archie just came home from their honeymoon. They had an amazing week in Greece but Veronica is happy she's back. She missed her kids. They stay in front of Betty's and Jughead's house, holding hands. Betty opens the door and smiles widely.

"Hey you two lovebirds"

"Hi" Veronica squeals and wraps her arms around her friend. Archie smiles and nods towards Betty. As soon as Veronica lets go of the blonde woman Archie reaches for his wife's hand again.

"There is something I need to tell you guys" Betty grins. "I know Archie already knows because Jug told me he told you but I'm pregnant"

"Really?" Veronica squeals "that's amazing B. I'm so happy for you!"


"I'm pregnant too" she smirks.

"No way!" Betty giggles "how far along?"

"9 weeks" Veronica smiles and places her hand on her stomach. "You?"

"11 so our babies are basically the same age. They have to be best friends"

"Totally agree"

"I don't want to interrupt" Archie chuckles "but where are my other two babies?"

Betty laughs "in the backyard with Jug"

They walk through the house to the backyard. As soon as Valerie sees her parents, she jumps off the swing and runs towards them with her hands up.

"Mommy! Daddy!"

She wraps her arms around Veronica's waist and leans her head against her stomach. "I missed you mommy"

"I missed you too honey"

"What about daddy?" Archie pouts.

Valerie giggles. She lets go of her mom and turns to her dad. "I missed you too daddy"

Archie lifts her into his arms and places a bunch of sloppy kisses on his daughter's cheek. Valerie wrinkles her nose and tries to push him away "No, daddy stop!"

Veronica laughs until she feels another pair of arms around her legs. "Mama!"

"Hi my little Freddie baby" Veronica squeals. She crouches down to him and holds him close in her arms. "Did you miss mommy?"


"Yeah?" she giggles "I missed you too sweetie!" She kisses his cheek before she gets up with Freddie in her arms.

"Dada" Freddie squeals and points at Archie.

"Hi buddy"

"Dada" he smiles. He claps his hands before he lies his head down on Veronica's shoulder.

Veronica kisses his head and then turns to her daughter "Wanna go home?"



Veronica, Archie and the kids sit down on the couch. Valerie and Freddie both missed her parents a lot and just want to cuddle. Valerie is also really interested in what her parents did the entire week so Veronica tells her about the beautiful beach, the delicious food and the great weather. She leaves out some detail though, the details her little daughter doesn't need to know. The little girl now sits between her parents and Freddie sits in Archie's lap.

Veronica smiles the entire time. She feels so blessed and can't wait to have another little baby. She grins at Valerie.

"What?" she asks.

I need to tell you something, you and Freddie"

"What is it?"

"I'm pregnant!"

"Again?" Valerie asks with big eyes. "But you just had Freddie"

Veronica laughs and runs her fingers through her daughter's hair. "Freddie is almost 16 months old"


"Are you happy though?"

"Of course mommy! I love babies"

Veronica giggles. Valerie places her little hands her mother's stomach and leans her head towards it. "Hello baby. You better be a girl. I want a sister"

Valerie kisses Veronica's little baby bump before she turns to her brother. "What do you think little Freddie? Mommy has a baby in her tummy"

"Baby?" he asks.

"Yeah, a real little baby, like you but tinier"

"Baby!" he squeals and claps his hands.

"See mommy, Freddie is happy too. What about you daddy?"

"Me? I'm the happiest!" he chuckles. He leans to Veronica and kisses the side of her head. "I feel truly blessed because I have the most amazing wife, the prettiest daughter and the kindest son. Whoever is growing in mommy's tummy will be just as perfect as you guys are"

"Oh Archiekins, you're so cute" Veronica smiles.

Archie smirks "So we make more babies?"

"No! Three is enough"

"No you can't stop" Valerie says and looks up to her mother with big eyes. "Not before I have a sister!"

Veronica stares at daughter for a second. Just as she opens her mouth to say something Valerie continues. "Mommy, how do you make babies?"

Veronica giggles and puts a strand of her daughter's hair behind her ear. "You're a little too young for details but when a mommy and a daddy really love each other and they want a baby they give each other a special hug"

"Okay" Valerie shrugs. "Can Freddie and I go play?"


Valerie gets up. She takes Freddie's little hand into hers and helps him down. They walk to their playroom and leave the door open so Veronica and Archie can see them. Archie smiles he moves closer to Veronica, wraps his arm around her and places his hand on her stomach.

"She's such a perfect little girl. I can't imagine a better big sister for Freddie" Veronica whispers with a few tears in her eyes.

Archie chuckles and kisses her cheek. "That's because you're her mom. She's just like you, a perfect, kind and really pretty little lady"

"Is that a compliment for me or your daughter?" 

He grins and kisses her cheek again "For both of you"

Veronica rolls her eyes but giggles right after "You're such a romantic"

"I can't wait for this one" Archie smiles and carefully strokes Veronica's stomach. "I love babies"

"I know that by now Archiekins"

"We make perfect babies"

"I agree" she smiles. She turns her head and stares into Archie's eyes. They sparkle. There is pure joy and love in them. He leans forward so their forehead touch and their noses brushes against each other's.

"I love you Ronnie, you and our minis"

"We love you too Archiekins"

I know this was kinda short
Sorry ☺️❤️

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