Chapter 10

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One and half year old Valerie loves cuddling with her mom. The little girl adores Veronica and always wants to be with her. She also loves her dad even though they don't see each other really often at the moment. Archie is busy with college and he hates that he can't see his daughter.

Right now Valerie sits in Veronica's lap. She just babbles and plays with her bunny while Veronica enjoys the sound of her daughter's little voice.
It's Friday afternoon and they have done nothing but cuddling and playing.

Suddenly Veronica's phone rings. She sighs before she picks up. She doesn't even bother to look at her screen to know who's calling her.


"Hey V, the girls and I are going out tonight. Wanna come?"

"I'd love to Katy but I have no one to watch Valerie. My parents are in Paris for a business meeting, Cheryl and Toni are busy with school and Jug told me he wants to surprise Betty with a romantic weekend"

"What about your baby daddy?"

"No Katy, no!" Veronica says and shakes her her.

"Come on V. He's Valerie's dad. Let him spend time with her so you can have some fun. It's Friday. I mean when was the last time you went out, like partying?"

"I don't know exactly but it was before I found out I was pregnant, so prom maybe" she says and shrugs. She really can't remember. The only thing she knows for sure is that she didn't go out during her pregnancy or since Valerie was born.

"This is sad V.  Valerie is one and half plus 9 months of pregnancy..... that means it's been over 2 years"

"Fine I'll ask him"

Katy squeals "There is no way the red head will say no to his precious little daughter so see you later"

"Bye Katy" Veronica laughs and hangs up. She drops the phone on the couch and turns Valerie around in her lap so she's facing her.

"Do you want to spend some time with daddy so mommy can go out?"

"Dada" Valerie squeals.

"So is that a yes? Can you say yes Val?"


"Val" Veronica laughs "say yes, say yes for mommy"


"But you do wanna spend time with daddy, right?"


"This will be a lot less fun when you actually understand me" Veronica giggles and caresses her daughter's cheek.
Valerie giggles too. She leans forward and snuggles into Veronica's chest. "Mama"

"Oh mi amor, te quiero mucho"


Veronica gasps and pushes Valerie back lightly so she can look into her eyes again. "Yes Val" she squeals "can you say 'te quiero'?"

"Quiero!" Valerie giggles and claps her hands.

"Close enough for now" Veronica smiles and pulls her daughter back into her chest. She stocks her back and kisses the top of her head.


"Her dinner is in the fridge. You just have to put it into the microwave but make sure it's not too hot. I want you to brush her teeth before she goes to bed. Don't watch too much tv with her and always and I mean always keep an eye on her"

"I got this Ronnie don't worry" Archie laughs while he bounces Valerie up and down in his arms.

"Okay" she sighs "thanks for coming"

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