Chapter 26

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"I can't believe it's my baby's first day of school" Veronica squeals while she places kisses all over her daughter's face. Valerie giggles. She lies in her parents's bed, between Archie and Veronica.

"Mommy stop!" the little girl laughs.

"Sorry" Veronica giggles and places one last kiss on her cheek. "I just can't believe you're going to school now"

"I'm a big girl!"

"I know mi amor. Are you excited"

"Very excited!"

Veronica giggles and then moves her hand to her stomach "I think your brother is excited too"

"Really?" Valerie asks and sits up. Veronica nods. She takes her daughter's hand and places it onto her stomach.

"Can you feel him kick?"


"Daddy wants to feel too" Archie says and places his hand next to Valerie's. He smiles widely when he feels the movements of his son. He strokes Veronica's belly with his thumb.
"Strong little man"

"Just like his daddy" Veronica giggles.

"I'm strong too!" Valerie says. She grins while flexing her biceps.

"Wow" Archie chuckles and squeezes her arm "where did you get these muscles from?"

"Hard work" she sighs, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"Little drama queen" Archie laughs.

"You're just jealous because I'm stronger than you daddy"

"Stronger than me? No one is stronger than daddy!" Archie gets out of bed. He grabs Valerie and pulls her into his arms. The little girl squeals. She tries to reach for Veronica's hand but fails.


"Mommy won't save you" Archie laughs. He has his arm firmly wrapped around his daughter's waist. Her arms and legs are dangling in the air. She wiggles around and tries to free herself but she's not strong enough.

"Set me down!" Valerie squeals.

Archie ignores her and turns to Veronica. "Do you want some water or juice baby?"

"Water please" she giggles.

Archie nods. He walks towards the kitchen with Valerie in his arm.

"You're mean daddy"

Archie chuckles and sets Valerie down on the kitchen counter. He brushes her hair out of her face and kisses her forehead. "Don't go against daddy" he chuckles "you and me, we're a team"


"It's alright sweetheart but just for the record what are we?"

"A team"


"A team!"

"Great" he smiles .

He takes a glass of water into one hand and Valerie's into his other. She giggles before she jumps down and runs back into the bedroom. She crawls into the bed and lies down next to Veronica.

"I hate to ruin your mood but you need to get ready sweetie"

"Just five more minutes to cuddle"


"Three" Valerie says. She looks at Veronica with big eyes. Her bottom lip trembles and she's batting her eyelashes. She knows her mother can't say no.

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