"But she's here now, Alan. – Tatiana gently pats dad's shoulder – She's accepting us all and so is her fiancé." She glances at Blake pointedly.

"Blake... - dad gets serious suddenly - You know Lia well, so I want to ask you something."

"Sure, go ahead."

"What is the chance that Lia... that she will accept us?" Dad questions worriedly, making us all turn to Blake imploringly.

"Hmm... From what I know she's already accepted you all. Well, apart from Anna. Lia will never forgive her." I remember how Lia told me she won't forgive her mother and as much as it bothers me, I can't say I don't understand. What Anna did was really unforgivable.

"You really think so?" Dad presses with a hopeful look.

"I know so. If she didn't, we wouldn't be here." Blake smiles reassuringly, getting a deep sigh of relief from dad.

"I'm glad to hear it. – dad chuckles, wiping off a tear that runs down his cheek – You have no idea how much it means to me." I can't help but smile at how sentimental my father's being. Ever since Lia and Blake came here, he's been really emotional. Looks like meeting his granddaughter touched him more than we thought.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, so I quickly take it out and check the new message.

"We're landing in two hours." I grin at the message then relay it to Frank quietly, getting a nod from him.

"And what are you two conspiring about, huh?" Rob smirks knowingly.

"A surprise. – I grin before glancing at Blake – For Lia."

"Um, I don't want to be rude, but Lia doesn't really like surprises. – he frowns worriedly – Especially after all that happened lately."

"Oh..." Frank scratches his head distractedly.

"I think she'll like this one." I tell Blake, getting a suspicious look from him.

"Dinner's ready!" Zoe calls out from the doorway with a smile after a while, getting a quick 'okay' from us before she goes to get the kids.

"Okay, who's going to go get the girls?" Aiden asks as we head to the dining room, getting an amused chuckle from Blake.

"You go, you're the oldest." Zach shoves him playfully. Kids.

"Not a chance. They've been awfully quiet for the last hour. I'm not going there, I'm not suicidal." Aiden shudders. What's so scary?

"Dad's the oldest. He should go." Ryan smirks at me, getting a chortle from me as I shake my head. I can't believe the boys are so afraid of three teenage girls. Wimps.

With an exasperated sigh, Harry and I go down the hall to the basement where the girls are, chuckling at our cowardly kids.

We both coo in adoration at the sight in front of us. All three girls are sleeping peacefully on the floor, surrounded by a bunch of pillows and blankets as some Disney movie plays on the screen. Both Olivia and Lilith are snuggled into Lia from both sides.

"My god, they're adorable." Harry sighs, taking out his phone and snapping a picture of the three cuties. I chuckle quietly then do the same, smiling lovingly at the girls. They're so cute.

"I don't think we should wake them up." I say quietly, getting a short nod from Harry before we go back to the dining room.

"And the girls?" Tatiana asks curiously when we enter the room.

"They're asleep. We didn't have the heart to wake them." Harry responds warmly.

"They look so adorable, all cuddled up together." I add with a grin, showing dad the picture I took.

The Unbreakable (Ghost Series Part 3)Where stories live. Discover now