after school in the locker room. he was kinda bragging about it.

bragging to you???


not really.

he was talking to the guys on the baseball team and i was getting changed out of my gym clothes.

oh so you were snooping lmao

not even hahaha i was just there

so y'all aren't a thing?

we're hardly friends.

interesting. you might wanna tell vinnie that

he knows. he's just stupid. thanks for telling me

yeah for sure.

i miss talking to you!!

i know! same! it sucks we have no classes together this year.

yeah really blows

well i gotta go. maybe you and i could hang out sometime?

yeah of course! just text me!!


kingsley and chris go way back. chris used to live across the street from kingsley when they were younger. everyday they would walk to and from the bus stop together. until chris' family decided it was time for a move. when kingsley and chris were going into freshmen year, they moved cities. not too far, but for the two who used to be just houses away, it felt far.

that's where kingsley thought things started to change. she always knew chris was a close friend, but it's hard to keep in touch when you don't live close. however, chris knew by seventh grade things were gonna be different.

everyone loved kingsley. with her kind personality and naturally stunning looks, it was hard not to. that's what told chris that as soon as kingsley was exposed to high school, things wouldn't be the same. kingsley made friends everywhere she went. chris knew that as soon as kinglsey got one sip of high school, she would always crave more.

chris, on the other hand, wasn't much of an extrovert. sure, he had friends and loved to make people laugh, but he'd much rather spend his spare time playing video games or finding new music to obsess over for a week and then become absolutely sick of and never want to hear it again.

the two were just, different.

the summer going into junior year, chris' family came to the conclusion that they were tired of the new town and wanted to move back home. so they did. of course, not right across the street from kingsley, like before, but in the same city. by then, the two had fallen out. only exchanging words on birthdays for the past two years, so obviously when chris texted kingsley to go grab coffee and catch up, he knew she wouldn't be the same, but he didn't expect her to look the way she did. he noticed her hair that used to be kept at her shoulders was now at her mid-back. he smiled as he remembered always telling her how good it would look long; he was right. he noticed her ears that were covered in different piercings, and the countless necklaces she was wearing. she changed, why wouldn't she?

as for kingsley, she also didn't expect to see her timid, and short friend to now be a little over six feet, with washed out purple hair, and a thin, silver, nose ring. she admired his sense of style that he didn't have before. his now longish hair was poking out of a hat that he was wearing backwards. he changed, why wouldn't he?

* * *

"hey, vinnie!" kingsley said sitting up in her chair as she saw vinnie walk through the doors of the classroom.

"excited to see me?" he smiled before sitting down next to her.

"were you telling your friends you and i were a thing?" she asked getting straight to the point.

"where did you hear that?" He asked not dropping his too-cool-for-school attitude.

"chris heard you taking to all your teammates yesterday in the locker room."

"oh, so he was stalking me?"

"he was the row behind you, vinnie."

"how do you know that?" he sarcastically gasped. "are you hanging out in the boys locker room with chris?" he leaned forward, trying to flirt.

kingsley leaned forward, following vinnie's lead. "stop telling your friends you and i are a thing." she whispered and then sat back in her desk looking down and smiling.

i can play this game. she thought as she pulled a pencil put of her bag.

❇️ b speaks ~
hi!! i'm actually really pumped for this story.

not a game - vinnie hacker ✔️Where stories live. Discover now