"I do" he says with the biggest smiles on his face.

"And do you Veronica Cecilia Lodge take Archie Andrews as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do" she giggles while she wipes another tear off Archie's face.

The priest smiles. "Perfect. Now the rings please"

Valerie jumps off Mary's lap. She turns to Cheryl who hands her a tiny pillow with two rings attached to it. She walks up to her parents and clearly enjoys the attention which makes Archie realize again how much alike Valerie and Veronica are.
The little girl holds the pillow up a little so her parents can get the rings. Both,Veronica and Archie, place one hand on their daughter's cheek and kiss the side of her head at the same time.
"Thank you sweetheart" Veronica smiles.
Valerie grins before she turns around and runs back to Mary.

Archie lifts Veronica's hand a little so he can put the ring on her finger. While he does so, he says:
"Take this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit"  He smiles and kisses Veronica's knuckles.

She blushes deeply. She puts the ring on Archie's finger while she repeats what he said.
"Take this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit"

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. Mr. Andrews, you may kiss the bride"

"Finally" he exclaims. He places his hands on Veronica's waist and pulls her again his chest. He kisses her long and lovingly and completely ignores their cheering family and friends. This is his and Veronica's moment and he only wants to focus on her.
But eventually he has to pull back or both of them would faint due to the lack of oxygen.

"I love you" Archie whispers with his forehead against Veronica. She smiles. I love you too"

"May I present to you for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Andrews" the priest smiles.


"It's time for the first dance as a married couple"
Jughead  cheers.
He leads Veronica and Archie onto the dance floor. All the attention goes to them but they don't care. They just enjoy their moment. Veronica's head rests against Archie's chest. One of her arms is wrapped around his torso. Her other hand lies in his. Archie has his arm firmly around her waist while they sway to the music of the song they have chosen. Perfect by Ed Sheeran.
Archie kisses the top of Veronica's head a couple of times and enjoys the feeling of her body against his.
As the song comes to an end they slowly pull apart.

Veronica giggles and then yells. "Dance everybody!"

All the guests run onto the dance floor and start to dance and have a great time.

Archie looks down to Veronica while he wraps his arm back around her waist. "Now that the attention isn't on us anymore, can we make out?" he asks with a smirk on his lips.

Veronica rolls her eyes while giggling. "No Archie! We have all night for that"

"Mhhh I like that"

She giggles and bites the inside of her lip before she decides to tell him something she has been keeping to herself for a few weeks now.
She gets on her tiptoes, pulls him a little closer and whispers into his ear: "I'm pregnant"

He cups her face and stares at her. His eyes are big "What did you just say Mrs. Andrews?"

"I'm pregnant" she giggles.

"Are you serious? I'm going to be a daddy again?"


He pulls her to him and places multiple long kisses to her lips. His hands move to her stomach. Tears run down his cheeks again. "I love you so much Ronnie"

"I love you too Archiekins" she giggles and kisses him again.

"Three babies" he grins "Just two more"

"No, no, no. Three is enough"

"Four?" he asks and stares at Veronica with puppy dog eyes.

"Let's have our third before we think of a fourth"
Veronica giggles and places her hand over Archie's.

"Deal" he smiles "when do we tell the kids? Oh can we tell them now?"

"No Archiekins. I want to tell them after our honeymoon"

"But I don't want to wait that long" he pouts. He turns Veronica around so her back is against his chest. Both of his hands are on her stomach now and his head rest on top of hers while they still sway to the music.

Veronica giggles "Look Archie, we leave early tomorrow morning. Freddie is almost asleep and he doesn't even understand yet and I want to tell Valerie at home, when it's just us"

"Fine, I'm okay with whatever makes you happy" Archie whispers. He kisses Veronica's cheek and pulls her a little closer. "Do you want to dance with our kids before they're asleep?"


He grabs her hand and spins her out of his arms. He kisses her knuckles before they walk over to Betty and Jughead who dance with the kids.
On their way there Archie chuckles. He squeezes Veronica's hand and looks down to her. "Man I'm so good. Two babies in two years"

"Well technically it will be three when this little one is born" Veronica giggles and strokes her stomach with her thumb.

"So not the point babe" he laughs "how far along are you?"

"8 weeks tomorrow. Do you know how hard it was to keep this from you?"

"I'm the luckiest man alive" he grins and squeezes his wife's hand one more time before they reach their friends and kids.
Archie lets go of Veronica's hand and leans down to Valerie. He holds his hand towards her and smiles "Can I have this dance please?"

"Yes you can" Valerie giggles. Archie lifts her into his arms which makes the little girl squeal. Freddie is in Veronica's arms. The little boy is tired and rubs his eyes before he lies his head down on Veronica's shoulder. "Are you tired sweetie? You missed your nap today"

"Sleepy" Freddie mumbles.

Veronica giggles and starts to slowly sway to the music. Archie wraps his free arm around Veronica waist. He pulls her as close as he can with Valerie's and Freddie's bodies between them. "This is heaven on earth" he whispers.

"You're so cute Archie"

A grin spreads on his face. He leans down and kisses his wife. He keeps his forehead against hers and strokes her side with his thumb. "I love you Ronnie, more than anything and I'm so sorry I doubted that in the past"

"It's okay Archiekins, I forgave you. You're the sweetest husband and the best dad ever"

"I agree" Valerie giggles. "Daddy is the best daddy in the world"

Archie chuckles. He pulls back from Veronica slowly and turns his head so he can kiss Valerie's cheek.

"Daddy do you and mommy have to leave tomorrow?"

"I'm afraid so princess. It's our honeymoon. We are only gone for a week and we will call you and Freddie every evening. Aren't you excited to spend an entire week with auntie Betty and uncle Jug?"

"I am but I'm gonna miss you"

"We're gonna miss you too sweetheart" Veronica smiles.

Valerie lies her head onto Archie's shoulder. He and Veronica keep swaying to the music until both of their kids fell asleep in their arms.

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