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Loud distant chatter rattles on all over the mall, people constantly moving through shops with multiple bags in hand, looking for what they desired. Kashitaro patiently waited by the entrance along with the RPG squad beside him, constantly refreshing his emails in case of any updates.

After the small dinner with Amatsuki the other week while coming back home slightly tipsy under the influence of wine, made the other four worry —thought urata and soraru denied the fact that they were— and insisted in meeting the friend that he had dinner with.

Kashitaro was highly confused about their sudden request, his friends hate social contact or just plain socializing, so he didn't quite understand why they wanted to meet Amatsuki so badly. So what more better way to introduce them to him than a trip to the mall. Nothing could go wrong right?

"Oh god I'm so sorry for keeping you guys waiting!" Amatsuki popped out of nowhere, visibly out of breath, running eleven blocks without stopping surely does that to you, it took a few moments till he could regain his breath.

Kashitaro chuckled lightly, giving him a small innocent smile, "It's alright, we aren't in a hurry anyways" he reasoned looking at his glossy eyes reflecting the mid afternoon sunlight. 

The older turned towards the other four who stood in a line, from tallest to shortest, Amatsuki held back a small laugh of how it roughly reminded him of small group of kindergarteners going on a field trip, Kashitaro being their caregiver.

"Everyone this Amagi 'Amatsuki' Amanogawa, Amatsuki, these are Mafumafu, Soraru, Sakata and Urata" Kashitaro said as amatsuki shook their hands one by one, they all eyed him from head to toe, inspecting his features and taste of fashion.

"It's a pleasure to meet you" They said in sync, "Pleasure is all mine" replied Amatsuki with a fully wide smiled, disregarding the fact that they have been staring at him for more than a two minutes. 

"So are you two dating?" Sakata asked so innocently, making Amatsuki raise his brow and Kashitaro momentarily choke on plain air, the older coughed, slamming his fist against his chest because of reflex.  After his coughing fit, he shot a gentle glare towards the youngest who grinned slyly.

"We're not in a relationship" Amatsuki said, a tinge of disappointment lingered on his voice, his gaze avoided contact and looked towards the distance.


Time went moved on as sudden as it arrived, their hours mostly spent on arcades, window shopping, eating and the remaining hours spent sitting down on the fresh green grass of the local park, chattering about anything they could think of.

On the fourth hour of their afternoon, amatsuki was left with alone with mafumafu and sakata as the others went ahead to find food.

Their conversation went from a zero to a thousand in just a matter of seconds starting with a simple sentence mafumafu blurted out of the blue, "Do you like kashi?". The brunette wasn't entirely sure what the silver haired motive was, " I'm not sure on what you mean by that".

Both Sakata and mafumafu exchanged glances before the red head spoke up, "Like as in like" Sakata tried to explain. "You mean romantically?" Amatsuki cleared, making sure that they were all in the same page. The other two nodded in reply, eager to listen to what he had to say.

The brunette sighed helplessly, he had no way out of this. I truth he could've just stood up and left but something inside him resisted the urge to do so, may be it his consciousness telling him that it would be rude and he might leave a bad impression.

Not that it mattered to him, there was nothing else he could lose. He was just a wandering free soul with nothing better to do than hurt those who are innocent.

Two pairs of crimson ruby eyes stared at him, aching to have an answer, he sighed internally before speaking his mind wholeheartedly. "I'm not really sure what to say",

"He's really reliable, gentle and funny"

"He's understanding, soft and ...a bit stupidly dense sometimes"

"But his smile and laughs makes up for it"

Amatsuki rambled on, smiling images of the older flashing through his mind, Sakata and mafumafu listened more, picking up a few changes in the way he looked and sounded while talking about Kashitaro.

Like how a small smile would find its way to the side of his lips, a glow in his eyes that shows pure adoration and fondness in the tone of his voice every time  gets a note higher than his normal talking voice.

He felt like he was in a daze, a Saturday morning with a cup of coffee kind of daze, both mafumafu and sakata felt it too.  

"Though to say I like him romantically? I don't know" He said to them frankly, fiddling with a stray strand of his caramel coloured hair. The other two sat in silence not really knowing how to respond to that. Each of them made an unspoken promise to never tell anyone about.


On their way home, kashitaro offered him a ride but softly refused, saying that he had an errand to run for his mother, it wasn't technically a lie.

Amatsuki walked down a familiar cobble stone path of a sidewalk. It led him to a black rusted gate, pushing it aside, it creaked creepily that would give you heavy doses of goosebumps. He tightly held a bouquet of white roses, his mothers' favorite.

Making his was through the hundreds of gravestones until stopping on a gray polished gravestone, his mothers' name scribbled in scripted gold. Beside her was his father's, dusted and dirty.

He bowed to pay respects to the both of them even though his respect for his father was already more dead than himself but even so, he wouldn't be here if it weren't for him.

Tears slowly crippled down his cheeks, he sat in the space between their graves silently pouring out all his thoughts. This time he felt more lost than he was before. He didn't know what to do and who to talk to.

Drying all his tears, Amatsuki placed the bouquet on their graves before bidding them an unspoken farewell.



This took longer than Expected.

Sorry bout that. My fingers felt a little numb but iz fine


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