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"Amatsuki you really need to get a life" A males' voice said in an exasperated tone on the other side of the line, meaning figuratively and not literally for god only knows how many Amatsuki had taken for the past months.

"I know" The brunette replied in the same tone, leaning hard against the wall, looking calm and reserved while eyeing a certain target, planning their painful and tragic demise in his head.

The other voice only sighed for the umpteenth time during their call, "It's getting harder to cover up for you, so please let this be your last one and lay low for the next few months" he said almost sounding desperate for a well deserved break.

Amatsuki himself knew that he'll need it too, if kept on committing these half blinded murders, someone could suspect him on the spot despite having a great connection with the government which would put his freedom in jeopardy.

Damn people and their nosy attitude these days.

Though on the plus side, once his little 'vacation' is over, he'll get to stab whoever he wishes for the next few months or so.

Holding back a snarl, clearly displeased of the idea, summing it all up he'd be unable to torture a human being for a long period of time was a huge dilemma for him and his sanity but then again, he would be in danger of he was to continue any longer.

A heavy silence passed and finally the brunette sighed, evident with defeat, "Fine but only for six months and a half then I'll have a killing spree around town".

"Alright, I'll take your word" The voice on the other line replied, delighted for the fact that the little rebel decided to compromise with him.

"Well I better go before this target of mine gets out of sight" He hung up, sliding his phone in the front pocket of his leather jacket, approaching a rather astonishing looking girl.

Definitely around her early twenties, long wavy blond hair, fair skin, baby blue eyes, hot pink coloured nails, she wore a short red pleated skirt, Black hanging tank top that barely even qualified as clothing anymore as it hugged her oversized chest.

In short, a stereotypical busty blonde bitch who wears a shit ton of make up and spoiled rotten by their sugar daddies.

"Um excuse me miss" Innocently asked Amatsuki, his hand snaked at the nape of his neck, Locking eyes with his target.

"Yes? How may I help you hottie?" She said, looking at the brunette from top to bottom, great complexion, doe innocent red honey eyes, lean fit figure, a bit on the muscly side but not very obvious.

He was a wolf in sheep's clothing and he was great at playing his cards right, "Can you please show me where this address is? I'm pretty new here and my friends kinda ditched me" The brunette asked sheepishly, a peachy blushed dusted his nose and cheeks, a small nervous smile on his lips as he handed the girl a piece of paper with a location written on it.

"Sure! I'll lead the way" She said optimistically, a big smile graced her thick red painted lips, on their way, she merrily held the brunette's arm closely to her chest in whatever attempt to make him turned on.

She was a little too close for comfort, as if the word personal space didn't exist in her vocabulary, it probably didn't.

Too bad he's gay.

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