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Kashitaro looked over the glass finished window of the room, tangerine coloured sunshine peered in, definitely a good day for painting.

Bringing his concentration back to the white blank canvas in front of him, he lacked inspiration which was a pain to the brunette.

His paint brush hovering over the palette of yellow and red shades he prepared, he couldn't think of anything, defeatedly sighing to himself, he let his hand move at it's own will, gliding gracefully against the blank canvas that is gradually gaining colour.

After hours, the male finally finished his work, it was nothing extravagant, just a simple view of the local beach during sunset painted in warm colours.

Eyeing his artwork wondering if he should add more or just leave it as it is, still undecided he called in one of his four other housemates, the one that has the most sanity left or so he'd say.

"What do you think soraru-kun?" He asked the male who stood by him, looking over at the canvas with his hand under his chin, his colbat blue droopily eyed the piece with a short hum.

"Not really my colour scheme but I think it's pretty good though I feel like something is missing" The dark haired male replied as Kashitaro nodded in understanding.

The blueberry haired male left the room without another word, having the need to go back to sleep brushing off the fact that it was 1 in the afternoon.

Moments of silence seemed to pass the male as he tried to figure out what was missing, his brows knitted together in deep thought.

Giving up, Kashitaro sighed loudly and cleaned up his work space before changing into a more casual set of clothes, a pair of dim gray cargo pants, a forest green coloured shirt and his usual black high cut sneakers, grabbing his Canon camera, phone, wallet and keys on the way out.

"I'll be back before dinner!" He yelled at the entrance of the house, hearing a faint voices 'okay!' and 'Be safe' of his other housemates from the living room most likely to be engulfed in their game super mario, he exited their shared house and skidded to the lake seeking inspiration.

On his arrival to his desired destination, his eyes laid upon a dark honey coloured mop of hair crouching down at the foot of the lake, their arms tucked in the pockets of its maroon red hoodie, seeming to glare at the body of water as if it took something that belonged to him.

Lifting his camera up to his face, he snapped a shot, looking at the stolen picture, the male had raw pure and innocent expression but the blank stare in his eyes countered it.

His body reacted on pure impulse but soon regretted it, after moments of realization of his actions, he felt like a creep, he definitely is one now, his thumb hovering over the delete button, contemplating if whether he should keep it or not.

His gaze shifted from the camera towards the spot where the honey haired male once occupied but sadly he wasn't there anymore, he could've asked for his name or even his number if he didn't stare at the photo for such a long time, silently cursing himself to death.

God he prayed that none of his house mates will snoop around his camera and find that photo, he wouldn't hear the end of it, he did not understand why can't he just delete it, maybe it was because of the raw emotion and expression it omitted.

Deciding that he'll just forget about what happened and do what he came here to do, which is to look for inspiration, he had that feeling that he'll meet him soon enough.

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