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Another groan left Amatsuki's lips as he and two other people sat in his room, waiting for a certain someone to arrive shortly. "Why do I have to do this?" The brunette groaned once more, sinking deeper into his bed,wrinkling a small part of his outfit.

"It's a good change of pace." A female with wild dark hair said, flipping page after page of the recently released magazine looking for nothing in particular. "Kurooo-chaaan this is gonna end in ruins!" Amatsuki huffed as he rolled on his bed in frustration.

The female looked away from her magazine and directed her gaze at Nqrse urging him to say something but before she could speak words of reassurance herself, the pink haired male who was sprawled on the gray fur carpet, his phone on his hand beat her to it.

"Don't worry Amatsuki you'll be fine" Nqrse reassured him as another whine erupted from the brunette but was disturbed by a car horn outside.

"Well look at that. Your prince in shining armour is here~" The pink haired teased, getting up from his previous position and went down to the front door as kuro followed behind him as she dragged the brunette with her. "Good evening Kashi!" Nqrse greeted first with bright eyes, obviously more excited than Amatsuki himself.

"Good evening Nqrse, Is amatsuki ready yet?" He asked politely as the pink haired male's grin grew concerningly wide before he moved aside to let the younger brunette behind him exit the house.

Amatsuki had worn a white dress shirt with ½ lengthed sleeves, topped by an ink black vest with a matching tie and slacks, he tried picking his outfit as casual-formal as he could, simplicity at it's finest.

Kashitaro stared at him for a few more seconds, soaking the other males' natural beauty as if he hasn't seen it over a thousand times before even if he did, he wouldn't get enough or it, "You look very..." He trailed off, looking for a better word to describe Amatsuki.

"Plain?" Amatsuki guessed but the other shook his head, "Well yes but in an attractive kind of way" The older said as he held out the three roses, "Thank you" Amatsuki gladly accepted the gift and placed on the pocket near his chest for display. "You don't look bad your self" He complimented as the end of Kashitaro's ears started to burn.

"Shall we?"

"We shall"

But before Amatsuki left, he spun around his heel, look dead straight at the two by his front door looking petrified, "This house should be the same as I left it". The sentence itself was not a request but more of a warning to a threat. They both nodded simultaneously, feeling their heads might pop off their necks at any moment. The two brunettes smiled before leaving in the black polished vehicle.

Over the span of half an hour, they shortly arrive at a fancy French restaurant. They were greeted by the receptionist who led them to their reserved table on the roof top, specially requested by Nqrse.

"Bonsoir messieurs, voulez-vous commencer avec les boissons?" Their waiter asked in a heavy French accent, Amatsuki nodded in reply,"Oui, deux du Château Marguex" He ordered as fluent as the waiter.

Kashitaro looked at him confused and impressed, "I never knew you could speak french" He said, leaning on the white soft linen seeming to be more engaged to the male than he used to.

"I studied it during middle school to Uni" The ginger haired brunette replied, "Since I always wanted to go France but never had enough time and motivation".


A string of soft chuckles and giggles left Amatsuki's soft lips as Kashitaro continued to butcher the French language, "Bondour? Boshuir? How do you say it?" he asked clearly more lost than he was on a math lesson in high school.

"Kashitaro-san It's Bonjour" Amatsuki corrected flawlessly, Kashitaro stared at him in shock. Not because of his flawless voice but because of the way he called the male.

The younger tilted his head in question, "Kashitaro-san, is there anything on my face?". There it was again. The way he said his name. How it almost naturally rolled in his tongue. "It's nothing" The older waved off, "And please call me Kashi, 'Kashitaro-san' seems too long".

Amatsuki nodded and respond with, "bien sûr".

"Alright that's enough French for today before I butcher it even more" Kashitaro joked making Amatsuki giggle once again.

They left the restaurant in a very satisfied mood. Their night ended at around half past eleven in the evening, quite long but not long enough for the both of them.

"Thank you, I really enjoyed tonight" Amatsuki said stepping into his porch, the lights in his house were off, either his friends left or already slept in the guest room. "I did too, I hope to do this again in the future".

"Yeah me too"

"Well then good night kashi" Amatsuki said barely above the volume of a whisper giving a small peck on the older male's cheek before hurriedly disappearing behind his front door. Leaving the frozen Kashitaro outside, his brain trying to comprehend what just happened.


Y'all good luck on translating that French shit XD

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