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Their time together during the past three and a half months was well spent. Every day seeming bit more brighter for the both of them though neither of them minded.

That night surely changed everything for them, ever so slowly getting more comfortable with each other.

Kashitaro sat in front of Amatsuki at a cafe near their studio, exchanging occasional casual conversations but mostly filled with heavy silence. Not the awkward type, the type of silence where both parties are comfortable.

Amatsuki kept himself occupied with a fashion magazine he borrowed from the shop, flipping and skipping through the uninteresting pages as Kashitaro continued editing a few photos on his laptop for his new client.

It was a peaceful Friday mid-morning, the day was slow and yet to be eventful.


[Three and a half months ago]

Loud footsteps tapping against the furnished floor boards, caused by Kashitaro's foot as he shuffled around his room, trying to find a decent outfit.

His paranoia and anxiety grows every so slightly with every passing minute despite the fact that there's still three or so more hours 'til he has to pick up his date.

"Oi, Kashi! Is everything alright?" Urata called, peaking his head through the door. "What's going on?" Mafumafu asked the younger brunette who shrugged in response.

"Yo" Sakata and Soraru joined in after finishing a few rounds of Smash Bros, asking what is happening, both Urata and mafumafu shrugged, looking as confused.

"Does he have a date?" Mafumafu whispered, "Probably" Sakata replied, eyeing the frustrated male making a huge mess out if his already messy room."OI KAASHI!" Urata called out again, louder than his first try.

The called male loudly yelped in surprise, stopping on his tracks with his hands on either side of his head, as if he was caught doing something illegal. Soraru snickered at his action as they entered his room.

"What? Do you guys need something? Is anything wrong? " He Asked, playing the innocent card. "Wha—?! We should be the one's asking you that!" The red headed male said as mafumafu nodded in agreement.

"It's nothing serious! I'm just having a friendly night out with my coworker" He briefly explained to them, making it as vague as he could.

"Friendly night out my ass, Kashi" Urata spoke up, giving him the look that says 'I know what you're up to so don't try to hide it'. Mafumafu lightly tapped on Sakata, Urata and soraru's shoulder, individually whispering a few sentences.

The other four nodded at each other in understanding before splitting up. Sakata and Urata dragged the male in question, forcefully sitting him down on a chair as the proceeded to do what they have to do.

"W-what are you guys doing?!" Kashitaro yelled, utterly confused at his situation.

Mafumafu groaned as he and his blue haired significant other rummaged through the older brunette's clothes, throwing articles of clothing behind them, searching what best fit their friends' personality.

The red head whined, "We're doing you a favor, now sit still and let us make you look fabulous". Pulling out an overly fluffed make up brush from thin air and dabbing it on with some foundation and concealer, all applied with the surveillance of Urata, making sure that his lover doesn't over does anything.

The other two males came back with a perfect set of clothes, nothing too flash nor casual. A gray pinstripe button up shirt with 3/4 rolled up sleeves and a black tie, Black slacks and shoes.

"This is so..." Kashitaro's voice trailed off, staring at his own reflection. "fabulous" He finished, all of them have an approving nod. "Hold it." Soraru said abruptly, rushing out to grab something and coming back with three freshly cut roses, handing it over to the male.

"Where did you get these?" He asked, inspecting the plant's stem for any thorns and ridding of them. "mafu's gar— I mean! the old lady next door gave it to me" The blue haired replied anxiously as mafumafu suspiciously eyed him but soon shrugged it off.

"Thanks, you guys are the best!" The tall brunette grinned and engulfed them in a group hug that they all reciprocated.

The all left for the front porch, watching the male leave in his silver Porsche Cayenne as it gradually fades in to the dark distance.



My cat was too tired staying up with me in writing and editing this that he rolled off the bed X3

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